Board Statistics
Totals Averages
Posts: 506
Threads: 76
Members: 149
Posts per day: 1.12
Threads per day: 0.17
Members per day: 0.33
Posts per member: 3.4
Threads per member: 0.51
Replies per thread: 5.66
Newest Member: Bones
Members who have posted: 55.03%
Today's top poster: Reed (2 posts)
Most popular forum: IC ARCHIVE (357 posts, 55 threads)

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All Over Again (12 replies)
so cold and so sweet [aw] (12 replies)
[AW] Harvest Moon (12 replies)
There on the Shoreline (11 replies)
A Mysterious Place (11 replies)
[P] Coincidence (10 replies)
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New Horizons (8 replies)
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The Shape of Dreams (3,312 views)
[AW] Up and Over (1,303 views)
[P] Nothing Special (1,142 views)
Hello Tutorial (1,114 views)
All Over Again (843 views)
so cold and so sweet [aw] (790 views)
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[AW] A Trigger (601 views)
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A Mysterious Place (596 views)
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