All Over Again
OOC Date: 07-11-2023, 06:36 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 06/27/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 46"
Health7 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 1
Constitution 4 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

A fly buzzes incessantly by his ear.

He awakes without hesitation, head rising from the warm, grassy earth. Dual-toned eyes survey his immediate surroundings, taking in the stunted, short grass hills, geysers not too far off from his right. He also notes the earthen, curly-furred figure a foxtail away. The body of his sister, her large head resting between two legs.

Nostrils flare as he continues to assess his surroundings, noting that everything around him is new, unfamiliar territory. He has clear memories of his most recent events, none of which could explain why he was in a place such a this. In such a case, there was one most plausible explanation. He was in a new world. New rules. New life.

But this time, unlike the last few worlds, he had his sister. The wolf rises from his lie, tail sweeping the ground in excitement as he sits and crouches to nudge Ceartas, "Schwester," (sister) he says softly in German, wet nose pushing to rouse her from her sleep.

OOC Date: 07-11-2023, 06:51 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 06/27/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Average 37"
Health5 Dexterity2
Arcana 3 Medicine 4
Charisma 4 Perception 1
Constitution 1 Stealth 1
Deception 3 Strength 1

The fly comes to bug her next, an unnecessary buzz by her ear as the soft nudges of a muzzle wakes her from her subconscious. She wakes with more urgency than the other wolf, instincts alerting her to the fact that she was no longer where she was last, even before she opened her eyes and rose to her feet.

As soon as pale yellow eyes meet the face of her brother, the speed of her alarmed movements decrease, and so she scans her surroundings with a much more focused, slow sweep. She notes the sulfuric pools off in the distance, the warm, somewhat damp earth which tell signs of a storm since passed, and the way the midday sun hangs lazily in the sky. Faded clouds barely attempt to hide its glow, giving their pelts a soft warmth.

When she looks to her brother, she notices the several new features his frame possesses. No longer did he look like an ordinary wolf, but he now sported steel spikes that protrude from his spine, long upper canines, two tails, feline front paws and, most notably, gleaming steel ram horns. She attempts to touch one of the horns with her nose, curious whether it was actually made of metal or if it just had the reflective surface of one, “Du hast dich verändert,” (You've changed), she says in German, voice low enough that only he should hear. She continues to speak to him as she looks around, “Wir hatten das Glück, dieses Mal an der Seite des anderen zu sein,” (We have been blessed to be by each other's side this time).

OOC Date: 07-11-2023, 07:29 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 06/27/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

A light rain had cooled the morning, wetting the soft ground below and leaving a dampness that hung heavily in the air, but now as the sun rose in the afternoon sky that coolness turned to a thick humidity. The clouds only seemed to insulate the moisture further and the heat from a distant volcano made the humidity sticky and uncomfortable. The air was filled with the smell of sulfur and ash, obscuring the scents of most creatures who had passed by, and with the morning rain even the trails and tracks that might have been left had been washed away. This left Caedwyn in a rather unpleasant mood - not so much caused by the humidity, as he was used to such weather, but he had gone venturing this morning looking for a good meal to hunt and it seemed the weather had other plans. He had started out following the trail of a deer but had quickly lost it somewhere in the foothills nearby. So now the male travelled with a more casual pace, using his eyes more than his nose to scan the terrain for sight of anything to eat. It was while he was doing this that he came up over a hill and paused to look around, and there in the distance his eyes caught sight of two canid forms. His movement stopped as he focused in, trying to make sure his eyes did not deceive him as he peered through he smoke and hot air.

It was definitely two wolves. But he couldn't quite tell what they were doing from this distance. His ears flicked forward, and his nostrils took in a breath to scent for any others who might be nearby. It was useless. All he could smell from here was the stink of stone, minerals, and fumes. He'd have to go in blindly. So cautiously, Caedwyn made his way down the hill and began to approach the two wolves. Upon getting closer, he could tell that one was a brown, curly-haired male with metallic horns and the other was a somewhat similar-hued female. Getting closer Caedwyn cleared his throat, making a loud enough noise to announce his presence to them in case they hadn't already noticed him.

"A good afternoon we're having, isn't it?" he greeted them with some casual conversation. He didn't want to approach to aggressively and cause them to retaliate, but Caedwyn did need to speak with them. He'd already begun his task of laying claim to all the lands in the Realm, and that meant that every wolf he met needed to be made aware that they were under his dominion. Of course, not all who he approached were pleased to hear him claim that all the lands belonged to him or that they were now under his rule; so caution and tact was necessary. "I don't mean to disturb you, but I've been tracking a deer this way. You wouldn't happen to have seen its trail nearby, would you?" In truth, he'd lost track of the deer hours ago, but he didn't really need to know about the deer anymore. This was simply a way for him to start a conversation with these strangers.



OOC Date: 07-11-2023, 10:37 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 06/27/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 46"
Health7 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 1
Constitution 4 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

He was heartened to know that she would be with him this time, dual tails continuing their wagging along the ground. She brings up the new additions to his form, and he notes she looks just the same as a normal wolf. Idly he wonders if she still preferred their version of normalcy, where wolves fought purely through teeth and claw, "diese stammen aus meinem früheren Leben," ( These are from my past life. ) Then he wiggles his front toes, having noticed his paws were no longer lupine, "Aber diese sind neu," ( But these are new. ) A quick, mindful prayer is sent in thanks to whichever God has given him these new gifts.

The prayer is interrupted when senses take note the presence of a third. He rises from his seat, not with any particular haste, but not slow either, and turns to face the new arrival. A wolf whose form was unfamiliar, coated in browns, reds, and scars. His posture and tone is friendly, and Gabriel reciprocates the gesture -- head not too low or high, tails nonchalantly at his side. A neutral and approachable stance, "Yes, it is," he says, accent thick but words legible. Two-toned eyes look passively at their surroundings, sniffing to see if he could scent any presence of deer. He looks back to the other and says, "I have not. But, ve can help you look? Ve are not familiar vith zis territory, and vould like to explore," it would do good to get acquainted with the locals, perhaps foster goodwill, "My name ist Gabriel. Vhat shall I call you?"

OOC Date: 07-11-2023, 11:41 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 06/27/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Average 37"
Health5 Dexterity2
Arcana 3 Medicine 4
Charisma 4 Perception 1
Constitution 1 Stealth 1
Deception 3 Strength 1

Ah, so he had gained them from another life? Yet she remained without such mutations. It was a preference of hers, one she hoped would be respected until her dying days. Though she could see the advantages of such additions, Ceartas is ever a stickler for traditional means of getting by. Having already been up, she need only turn to face him when the new wolf approaches. A stoic gaze watches him idly as Gabriel exchanges words. His English has gotten better. She is curious to know what else has changed about her brother.

When introductions arrive, Ceartas is hesitant to give her name until the other speaks first, and opts to stay quiet for now. A nod is given, however, when Gabriel had offered to help find the trail. She too finds benefit in acquainting with the locals in hopes of getting on good terms. There was much to learn, and anything they can't prepare for is a detriment to their survival. When she speaks, her accent is less thick, more subtle, “I wonder why deer would stray so close to land such as this?” it is more a casual topic to help with conversation than an actual inquiry, unless the man had something more interesting to speak of.

OOC Date: 07-12-2023, 02:01 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 06/27/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3
Caedwyn was relieved when the other male replied. He listened as the male introduced himself and offered some assistance looking for the deer. Even through his thick accent, Caedwyn detected no hostility. The accent was intriguing to Caedwyn though. It was unfamiliar and though he'd heard a variety of dialects, this one sounded different than one he'd heard before and it made him wonder where this wolf originated from. Caedwyn was far more intrigued with the fact the male said they were not familiar with this area. It implied that they were from here and Caedwyn's lip curled just slightly into a smile as he was pleased with this information. Them not being from around here would make things much simpler. If the pair of them had already staked out a home here, they might have seen Caedwyn as a threat if he came marching in telling them to obey him. But they were outsiders and it gave Caedwyn an advantage.

The female on the other paw, seemed rather reserved and said much less. Where the male had introduced himself, she did not. She simply questioned why a deer would be out in this sort of place. She was definitely intelligent, Caedwyn decided. This place was rather unhospitable to prey, but surely it wasn't completely devoid of animals. But she was right to question what he was doing out here, and whether she had realized Caedwyn's story about the deer was only half truth was yet to be seen. He glanced over to her but for now chose not to answer her question right away and turned back to the male, Gabriel.

"I take it you have just arrived then?" Caedwyn inquired, his tone still light and inviting. "I've heard many who arrive here arrive rather mysteriously. I would be willing to accept your aid, given that you're new here, but I must first alert you that this territory belongs to the pack..." he turned to the female as he was talking and continued, "... even a place such as this has it's uses." His voice came out a bit teasing and he gave the girl a little wink, unable to resist the temptation to see how she would react. He let his gaze linger over her, taking in her simple appearance. Much like himself, she lacked the extravagant mutations that many others had (not that Caedwyn cared one way or the other, it was a simple observation).

"And what of yourself?" he addressed her more directly now. "Surely a lovely creature such as yourself has a name? If we're going to be looking for this deer together, I simply must know what to call you." He smiled a little coy smile as he tried to flirt with her. Hopefully a little flattery would loosen her lips.


OOC Date: 07-13-2023, 12:51 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 06/27/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 46"
Health7 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 1
Constitution 4 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

The male's words told of many things. For one, the land was apparantly already claimed by a pack. No, not a pack, the pack. He could not scent any border markings from here - were they deep enough in the territory to have missed it? Yet the male before him had not come up to them with any aggression. Either wolves spontaneously appeared here often, or this was not claimed territory... at least for now, "mysterious arrivals, indeed. ve vould appreciate some tips on vhere to go, but ve vill get out of your vur if you vould like."

As he mulled over the information, Gabriel could not help but to crack a smile at the attempts to flirt with his sister. If she had changed much, then it would not be something to work at all. He did not attempt to hide his smile either, even laughed a little under his breath; dual toned eyes looking to his sister to see how she would respond.


OOC Date: 07-13-2023, 01:06 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 06/27/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Average 37"
Health5 Dexterity2
Arcana 3 Medicine 4
Charisma 4 Perception 1
Constitution 1 Stealth 1
Deception 3 Strength 1

Each bit of information is stored and filed away to keep in mind. Their best goal now was to leave this territory and familiarize themselves with the land - get a feel for the laws of this world, what herbs were available, where prey could be found. She does not like the feel of the heat on her curly fur, its bushiness best for the colder alpines and mountains of the north. In fact, she can see the tall, snow-capped mountains all the way from here, and she longs to go near.

The wolf's tone begin to take on a hint of flirtation when addressed to her. Had she not been aware of the fact that she and Gabriel had been apart for a long time now, she may have been surprised to see such a nonchalant, amiable response from him. Her first instinct was to shut whatever play this stranger was trying down, but she decided to at least humour it. Her expression, once neutral before, softens, and she forms a smile, “Your compliment flatters me, mister, but is it not rude to ask a lady for her name without the gentleman giving his own first?” she gestures to Gabriel then, smile still settled upon her face before pale yellow eyes look back to their acquaintance once more, “He has even offered you his name first. If I did not know any better,” she says, her voice decidedly playful and coy, “I would almost say you do not trust us with such information?”

OOC Date: 07-17-2023, 12:22 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 06/27/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

The male, Gabriel - as Caedwyn had learned his name - gave little more information, only adding on that their arrival had indeed been mysterious. These two wolves seemed friendly enough with each other and it made Caedwyn wonder exactly how long ago their arrival had been. Were they long-time acquaintances? old friend? or complete strangers to one another? Despite his curiosity, Caedwyn didn't sense any deception from them and Gabriel even offered to leave at Caedwyn's request. Gabriel's willingness to obey was pleasing to Caedwyn. The male didn't seem outright defiant, as some wolves often were upon meeting strangers. It gave Caedwyn confidence that perhaps at least Gabriel might be swayed to join into his pack. The female though was a different story entirely. Caedwyn had been looking at her with a little smile and he noticed how her town softened and a smile returned on her own face. He wondered if his flattery had done the trick to loosen her lips. When she answered, he quickly realized it in fact had not had the intended effect. If anything, she seemed more amused with Caedwyn's flirting from his perspective.

"Are you someone untrustworthy?" Caedwyn said, feigning a little bit of surprise. "As you said, even he has offered a name, but you have not. How would I know if you're trustworthy without first knowing your names? You could be wanted murderers after all... or thieves... or scoundrels." He said the words a little flamboyantly, making clear he meant it all in a bit of a jest. "But I supposed if you really must know, I should give you a name. How else will you be able to call for me longingly or think of me in your dreams?" It was a bit over the top, even Caedwyn had to admit. They'd only just met and he was accusing her of being attracted to him (if not desperately in love). He only hoped that Gabriel wasn't some sort of lover who would take offense at his own unashamed flirting with the girl.

He didn't think Gabriel was her lover. The male hadn't reacted much to Caedwyn's earlier flattery. But he could still be wrong. So Caedwyn took a step to the side and quickly looked back over to the male. "Unless..." he paused and made a face as though he was coming to a sudden realization, letting out a small shocked gasp, "... unless you already have a name you call out in the night? Perhaps... the male who accompanies you has already claimed your love and affection?"


OOC Date: 07-17-2023, 02:53 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 06/27/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 46"
Health7 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 1
Constitution 4 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Gabriel stayed in the present as well as his surroundings, ears listening attentively to the conversation while his eyes casually combed over the area for any signs of trouble. He remained in a relaxed position but still prepped himself for anything.

In truth, part of him thought that perhaps this situation would go awry at some point - it still can, really - but he was almost surprised to see the nonchalant and friendly conversation at paw. It was nice to be greeted with someone who at least initially appears approachable. Only time would tell if their acquaintance would actually remain this way, but he would be lying if he said he didn't hope so.

When direct attention came back onto him, the earthen wolf already had a joke of his own to add to the metaphorical table, "i can't be ze one to tell you," he says in regards to the lovers theory. Then, "But if you really zink about it, ve're all murderers, thieves, and scoundrels..." he muses almost nostalgically, eyes momentarily rising to the sky as if thinking pensively, "ze food ve eat, ze air ve steal... truly monsters." his gaze falls back to their acquaintance. And, as if the thoughtful moment he had before never happened, speaks normally once more, "i have an idea. If you or you von't give names, i make some, hmm?" he looks to them both with a smile, studying their reactions to see how they feel.