Characters may use and create items found in a prehistoric / stone-age setting, including: intricate jewelry, weapons, armor, or fabrics. Characters may have these items with them or stored away in a den, bottomless bag, etc. Items can be used any time so long as it does not unfairly impact the game-play of other players. These 'normal' items are for story-telling or aesthetic purposes and do not give any aid during dice-rolls or combat.


Enchanted items are special items that provide a dice-roll buff. Any item can be enchanted (jewelry, cloaks, armor, talismans, or weapons). Players must use the item in a way that makes sense but can still be creative (ie A dark cloak could be used to buff a Stealth roll by blending into the shadows, or it could buff a Constitution roll by protecting from harsh weather, but it probably wouldn't give a buff to Perception...).

    Enchanted items:
  • can only be made by characters with the Artisan trade (NPCs may not be used to craft Enchanted Items).
  • are permanent and cannot be transferred or stolen.
  • may not grant spells or increase Health.


To create enchanted items, characters must gather “crafting materials” from various locations. Players use their creativity to choose what materials are being collected, such as wood, leaves, bones, leather, metal ore, gemstones, etc. Characters then take the materials to an Artisan to enchant / craft an item in-character. For fairness, we ask that the character doing the gathering must post at least 3 times in the thread and these threads cannot be a Read-Only.

    Tier 0: Normal Item
    • has no effect on dice-rolls. Can be made or used by anyone

    Tier 1: Weak Enchantment
    • Craftable by a Novice Artisan
    • Material Locations: Any 3 locations in different territories.

    Tier 2: Medium Enchantment
    • Craftable by a Adept Artisan
    • Material Locations: Any 4 locations in different territories.

    Tier 3: Powerful Enchantment
    • Craftable by an Expert Artisan
    • Material Locations: Any 5 locations in different territories.


Once crafted, players notify Staff in the #support channel on Discord to add the item to their character account.

Please fill out the form below when requesting:

    Character receiving the Enchanted Item:
    Enchantment Level:
    Proof: (link to material gathering threads)

    Artisan Crafting: Character Name & profile link
    Crafting Thread: threadlink

    Short description of the item: KEEP IT SHORT PLEASE.
      Example: An armor set made of fish scales to aid in battle
      Example: A magic talisman that aids with healing
      Example: A magic necklace that aids with Charisma rolls