"Even a small flame can light the path."


Whitewater, Cloud Bend, Muddy River




To outsiders, Verdantis may seem like a group of undevoted misfits, but in truth the pack is deeply spiritual and abides the teaches of Ohr. The members of Verdantis often adorn themselves with garbs of plants, armor, and jewelry - to celebrate the bounty of the earth. They favor knowledge, placing a high value on skilled trades such as Artisans and Herbalists. Many members believe themselves the care-takers of the will and those outside their ranks are 'impure'. They often believe that only spiritual faith and devotion to ones trade can truly purify the will. They are deeply loving to their comrades and kin; and are unafraid to defend those who they care for from all threats.


The members of Verdantis follow the teachings of Ohr. Their religion is an integral part of the Kingdom. They are more tolerant than other Kingdoms to non-believers but do not allow any beliefs that directly contradict Ohr's teachings. There are some within the Kingdom who are more strict with beliefs, sometimes accusing the less-faithful of 'losing the light' to remind all to be faithful to Ohr. At their core, they believe they must protect the will from Tsillah's destruction.


My Light
term of endearment, used for someone with a very close and loving bond, family or lovers
insult - depraved, corrupted, dishonorable, weak-willed, or for someone who has committed an offense


Breeding & Mateship
All life and love is celebrated. Anyone may freely breed or take mates. Celebrations are often held for both mateships and new litters.
Physical punishment is reserved for serious offenses. Demotions, labor, or other tasks may be assigned as punishment for lesser offenses as an opportunity to 'learn a lesson'.
Death & Funerals
Deaths are a solemn event as the Kingdom mourns the loss of life. A gathering is held where the deceased is returned to the earth. Flowers and plants are often planted near the body so the life of the deceased can feed new growth. Lanterns are released to the sky to light the way for the departeds soul to reach Ohr's embrace.
Spreading light into the dark is a powerful symbol of their faith in Ohr. Many members will visit Artisans or create paper lanterns to hang around their home and territory. Lanterns can also be made for special occasions or released into the sky to send messages, well-wishes to others, and prayers to Ohr.
Earthy Adornments
To celebrate the life of the earth, members will usually adorn themselves with garments made of pelts, plants, flowers, and branches - or even finely made metal armor and gemstones. The scent of flowers and earth are favorable and members will often perfume themselves in these scents.


Spring Thaw
Springtime festival held to celebrate the ending of Winter and beginning of new life. A large party featuring extravagant masquerade-like costumes and dancing. At the end of the dance everyone will 'reveal' their identity to signify the light of Spring coming to the lands.
The Blooming
Rite of passage, signifies earning the rank of adulthood or becoming a full-fledged member of the Kingdom. A gathering and celebration after proving oneself or gaining an official duty. Typically a large ceremony held once a season (if necessary) to celebrate all who have proven themself capable members of the Kingdom.


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II. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dictum erat quis diam commodo semper. Etiam imperdiet sagittis velit, at auctor dui congue quis. Suspendisse dictum sollicitudin nisl sollicitudin interdum.
III. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse dictum erat quis diam commodo semper. Etiam imperdiet sagittis velit, at auctor dui congue quis. Suspendisse dictum sollicitudin nisl sollicitudin interdum.