so cold and so sweet [aw]
OOC Date: 08-03-2023, 03:21 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

I'm not giving up...
I'm just giving in.

The feathered canid had been in the ocean for… a while… riding the waves as if he expected them to take him somewhere. His journey had been surprisingly peaceful. Perhaps the sea had been a little rough, and there were moments he struggled to keep afloat as the waves attempted to tackle him under. But he had managed… somehow. 

He didn't know how long it had been. perhaps it was fate, or perhaps he was just stupid. His own four paws had carried him into the salty water - fueled by a dread like he had never felt before. A dread that told him he needed to leave his old home entirely - even if it could cost his life.  Everything he had ever known collapsed around him so quickly, he wasn't even able to give it all a final glance or say farewell.  It all shattered like glass and vaporized like dust all too swiftly, and all too silently.  That was, until, the maddening screams.

"it's all your fault!'

The echoing of his mother's words still rang in his ears. Haunting him like a ghost of the past - though he knew now, she wasn't the only ghost that haunted him. There was another one now… a lot less familiar, and perhaps it was that one, that scared him more. Why did any of this matter anyway? Why did it matter if everything he had known, everything he had fought for, everything he had built… was all a lie. His whole life was a lie. So why did it matter if it had all shattered to pieces around him?

Well, It wasn't himself he felt sorry for… The once great pack had fallen under his leadership.  Now, everyone he knew was nowhere to be seen… he only hoped, fate had been kinder to them than it had been to him.  A calling to the sea had washed over him, beckoning him forth like a siren somewhere in the distance. The cold liquid was refreshing at first, and relaxing to his heart which had frozen over, numb. Where he thought the sea would take him? He didn't know. He hadn't given it any thought really. He'd just given into the call and the current swept him away from it all. His past could stay there, in those old lands. That's all he wanted.  There was no going back now. There was only going forward.

If he wasn't a Valkyrie, then, that meant he was someone else entirely. For all he knew he had a family waiting for him somewhere out there.  Or maybe he didn't,  but the thought is what kept him moving forward.  Metaphorically anyway, in reality, the ocean was the one doing all the moving. He had given up on flight a while ago, and now, he was afraid his soaked feathers would be useless... he was too tired now to try and fly anyway.   By some miracle, he has survived the journey this far - however far it had been. The seas had been gentle, but now, he was tired, and he was hungry and thirsty. If the ocean wasn't going to drown him, then his mortal needs would get to him for sure.

This was, perhaps the most stupid decision he had made in his life… no, it was definitely the most stupid decision he had made in his life - and there was no getting out of it. He'd be swallowed whole by the jaws of fate, paying the ultimate price… drowned beneath the waters where no one would ever find him. A mere distant memory to anyone he had met… if they were to even remember him at all. He feared he hadn’t meant much to anyone. Maybe he should have known he wasn’t of the Valkyrie bloodline... He never truly fit into Athadia - even during the short period he had ruled he felt like an outcast. An outcast that couldn’t do anything as everything crumbled around him. All he had wanted was a place to call home - to have some sense of security, but since the day of his birth… he had never felt that. It was an endless, fruitless journey. And how was the sea going to fix any of it?

Hours ticked past.  His vision started to get blurry. The blue waves collided with the sky and faded into a tranquil blackness. The sounds of the waves became a loud ringing until… silence. Numbness… nothing.  And still, the clock turned.  When he got his consciousness back, he felt grainy sand below him. He breathed in, unfamiliar smells entering his nostrils. Though he was too light-headed to register any of them.

Where was he?
How did he get here?

"Mom!?" he'd call out. 

She was the last one he remembered being with… but as soon as the word left him, shivers ran down his spine. Though his brain was still foggy, his body still remembered the strain of those recent events. And slowly… he began to recall.  A soft moan escapes him as he lay pitifully on the sand, fur soaked with saltwater. The sand felt weirdly comfortable…  he didn't want to move. Or perhaps he was too weak too. Maybe… he'd just stay here for a while.

AW - I just ask you don't kill him 
OOC Date: 08-04-2023, 06:01 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

After her dispute with the wolves on the beach Enya had elected to remain within the area for the coming days. The beach was pleasant to her and was a relief from the heat with its swift breezes and cool waters. It provided plentiful food for her to rest and recover on, to continue to heal and lick her wounds. It also gave her a better idea of whether the wolves would try to rival her, or if they would heed her warning. She also wanted to be discoverable in case they decided to return and offer their selves to the pack. She had promised them positions of guard, and she planned to keep her word. Any wolves who could toss her around like they had deserved as much - or at least the opportunity. 

Her mission for today was the same mission she had been pursuing for the past week. Feed her belly and restore the muscles that she had lost being a pampered as a queen in the Kingdom. She had a purpose, a drive now to focus on. She had decided to create a home for her family, but not just them. She had decided to create a home for everyone. She used that purpose to drive her every day. She used that purpose to motivate her to push past her limits. She rose early in the morning, before the sun, and stalked the beaches for her breakfast. Any crabs that skittered off too slowly or any unfortunate shellfish - oysters, clams, or shrimp - ended up in her belly to be digested. While she hunted, she used the exercise to warm up for her endurance training. Once her breakfast was settled, her legs moved into motion. Today was the day that she went north up the length of the beach. Tide was rising, and she wanted to race to one of the sandbars on the other end before it rose fully and cut off her access to the hard-packed sand. 

She stared down the beach, lifted her head into the air, and inhaled deeply to take in the ocean odor. It refreshed her and with a slight backwards tilt to her body, she lunged forward and erupted into a sprint. As she ran, she practiced her breathing, practiced her extension in her stride, practiced her balance and focus. Soon enough, her muscles started to burn. Her breath started to become heavier and labored. For miles she alternated between sprinting and running, building the muscles in her legs and her endurance together. She had slowed into a relaxed canter when she suddenly saw some strange shape dotted on the beach. By this time in the day, the tide was half-way risen. Odd. There hadn't been a rock or boulder here last time she'd passed by - a day or so ago. Her gait continued in the same motion to bring her closer to the figure. Her forked tongue flicked rapidly as she came to realize that it was a wolf laying on the beach. 

She neared, and the wolf cried out for it's mom. Her canter suddenly came to a halt in the sands. She was but several lengths away now from the wolf. It took her a moment to understand where she had seen this wolf at before, but then her memory jostled as the wolf shifted in the sand and moaned. He was so small, and yet with wings and tail so large. It was the wolf who had helped her when she had been reborn. It was an Athadian - a member of a long forgiven grudge - laying there on the beaches. Out of all the wolves... 

"Not quite." Enya responded to Eon, taking a few steps closer to him to help close the gap. She approached with a passive demeanor to her stance and a curious twinkle in her eye. "May I?" she inquired, motioning that she wanted to look him over, to sense if his lungs were full of water and to treat any wounds that he may be enduring. The inquiry was more of a formal motion, for she did not wait for his reply. With her Will, she reached out to Eon's body. She poked around within it, sensing the various versions of liquid that sloshed around inside the small canid. She pinpointed his lungs and felt relief when she realized they were not soaked with seawater. Good. She was satisfied. Her touch of her Will on him ceased, and she stepped closer, aiming to sit down and put her paw against his shoulder. Her healing magic needed physical touch, so she reached out regardless of whether or not he wanted her to, and tried to once more pull from her Will to sense his vitals and check for any severe wounds. 

Attack: Touching Eon to see if she can sense wounds
Success: She touches him
Failure: She doesn't touch him.

Special: Enya reaches out with her Will to see if she is accurate in sensing his water intake/if it's in his lungs. 
Success: She is able to successfully reach out with her Will to sense his condition
Failure: She is not able to reach her Will out towards him - what she senses is what she wants to believe is correct

Table code by Zodiac
OOC Date: 08-04-2023, 06:02 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  

Health Dexterity
Arcana Medicine
Charisma Perception
Constitution Stealth
Deception Strength
Enya rolled the dice.

Attack Roll: Successful
Attacks must be above 500 to be successful.
512 was added for Level 3.

Special Roll: Unuccessful
Attacks must be above 500 to be successful.
475 was added for Level 3.
OOC Date: 08-06-2023, 07:08 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

I'm not giving up...
I'm just giving in.

  Ears pricked above his head. He was beginning to come to consciousness more and more, and suddenly, he was acutely aware of his surroundings. He could hear the gentle paw steps as another canine approached. His heart pounded in his chest like thunder,  though he stayed still. He still did not have the energy to move. Not much anyway. Though after a few seconds ticked by he attempted to roll over to smell the air in the direction they were coming from.  Mixed in with the musty saltwater, the breeze carried the familiar scent. But just who was it…? He knew he knew it from somewhere … but his mind was blank.

It took a moment for his memory to clear. Enya. Under any other circumstance, he would have been disappointed.  Even here, wherever this was, he couldn't completely escape his past like he had wanted.  Knowing there was even one wolf here that he knew from Kalonia made it hard to forget.  But at this moment,  he needed someone he knew would help him. A stranger could easily take advantage of him - but Enya?  Suddenly he was thankful he had helped her out all those moons ago by catching her that rabbit. Because now that the roles were reversed, it was plausible his kindness would be repaid.

'May I?' Eon wasn't entirely sure what she was asking - and a moment of silence ticked by. He didn't know if she was waiting for a reply from him, unaware as she was actually busy searching him with her will. All he knew was that there was an awkward silence. As it went on about too long for him to stand he opened his mouth to speak - but right at that moment Enya sat down next to him. His mouth closed shut again, eyes glued on her now as she placed a paw on his shoulder.   Well,  it seemed he didn't need to answer the question after all. Though he was confused as to what exactly she was doing. This uncertainty was reflected in his eyes as he glanced up at her - but as another moment passed, he felt his energy return with a speed he had not expected.

What… just happened? Had Enya… healed him? Just with a single touch.  He sat up - still looking at her with confusion. This was his first time encountering such magic,  but boy, was he lucky he had encountered it now.

"Enya?" he'd finally speak, looking at her in awe. "I didn't know you had that ability."  Well, obviously he didn't, perhaps he shouldn't have been as shocked as he was. He barely knew Enya. They had met briefly before - but hadn't had the chance to get to know each other well. That came as a bit of regret to the tiny canid. He would have liked to get to know her better back then, during the brief time she had sheltered in Athadia, but so much had been going on then they hadn't had the chance to talk much. "I suppose I should thank you. It was rather stupid of me to expect the sea to transport me so easily."

The sounds of seabirds echoed around them, reminding him once again where he was. Or, reminding him of the fact he didn't know where he was. "I apologize, my head is a little foggy still" he admitted, looking down at his paws as they buried into the muddy sand. He breathed a heavy exhale.  "I hate to ask more of you,  but, do you  know where we are? Because I have no clue. We're not in Kalonia, are we?"  He'd look at her nervously. She was here, which meant there was a possibility that somehow, he had ended up back where he had started - and the thought devastated him. Had he almost downed for nothing? Would he attempt the journey again if this one had failed? He didn't want to end up nearly dead on the shore again, that was for sure.

OOC Date: 08-17-2023, 12:44 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Enya disregarded the concerned look in Eon's face as he turned to glance at her. She instead focused on her Will, reaching out and pushing her energy into Eon to mend any internal damage or external wounds. Where she touched him, her paw became encased in water, and she moved it across his small frame with a tenderness one might not expect from the Viper. It took only a couple moment for her to complete the push of Will into his body and once completed, the water from her paw fell away and she sat back, sagging from the exercise. Using magic was never easy. When Eon sat up, Enya sat back, giving him some space to breathe. He spoke her name and declared that this was something he did not know about her. She smirked with a glint of mischief in her eyes, both satisfied that he remembered her, and amused that he would speak such a fact out loud. "There's a lot about me that you don't know." she retorted with a playful tone, happy to have helped the wolf who had helped her once upon a time. Would this mean that the debt was repaid? Perhaps. But Enya wasn't ready to leave Eon to the rest of the wolves just yet. There had been quite a nasty bunch on this beach not long ago, and she intended to make sure that Eon recovered enough to fend for himself before she left him. 

He spoke on about feeling obligated to thank her, and she nodded her head in agreement alongside him. "You should thank me. That was a lot of energy I just put into you." Her tone was serious, but that same glint of mischief in her eye remained along with the smirk. She was teasing him, though whether he understood that or not was up to him. He asked her a question, then, and her smirk slowly disappeared as he mentioned Kalonia. A world of their past. A world she wished she could forget. Based on the nervous look that Eon gave her, she guessed that he wished to forget, too. Her smirk returned as she looked up to the sky, waving a paw in the air as she spoke. "We are in the Realm. Kalonia can burn to the ground, for all I care." Her eyes looked back at Eon and her gaze once more twinkled with mischief and amusement. "You're in my territory, to be exact. Everywhere you go, you're in my territory. We claim all of the Realm, and aim to unite these sorry sacks of shit under one formal leadership. There are small bands of rogues scattered all across The Realm with no drive or purpose. We aim to change that, to teach them what a true pack is like, nurture them into becoming more than what their lives can even begin to imagine." She paused, evaluating Eon's response as she spoke. "You've seen what a united pack is capable of. You've seen the glory that can come from organization and purpose." Her gaze turned once more outwards, but this time, to the inlands. "They will learn that murdering whoever they please is not appropriate behavior. We are all wolves, nay, all canids. We should work as a team, not be at one another's throats." For the last time, Enya's gaze shifted to Eon and there she stared, waiting, wondering just what he would say about where he had just ended up. Perhaps the ocean would have been a kinder place to end up. Perhaps not. It all depended on how he answered.   

text. "speech."

Table code by Zodiac
OOC Date: 09-12-2023, 08:41 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

I'm not giving up...
I'm just giving in.

Eon would wince as Enya confirmed she should be thanked.  He agreed it couldn’t have been simple to use that kind of magic. It probably was no lie the amount of energy she had just used to heal him.  While Eon would have typically understood she was just teasing him, and probably would have right back, it was evident his energy was still returning and his head felt like it was wrapped in a thick blanket of fog. It was slowly clearing, but it made it hard to read her. Her serious tone did not help that case, either.

He felt a lot better than he had a few minutes ago, but it was clear he was still coming back to consciousness.  “S-Sorry” he’d reply, with a nod of his head. Her debt to him had certainly been repaid - not that he would have been on her case about it anyway. He was one to believe acts of kindness were simply that, not something that needed to be paid for. Fate would make sure good deeds were repaid in the end, in its own way - sometimes in mysterious ways. Perhaps the fact that he had washed up on the same beach where she was, simply was that. Enya felt like she owed him a favor, and a favor was needed. Maybe he had ended up in the right place after all…. Maybe.

Of course, now Eon felt like he was in her dept. He would find a way to repay her with time - but for now, a thank you and show of respect was all he could offer. His eyes looked up to her in relief as she mentioned they were not in Kalonia, but in some place called the realm. Perhaps it was this fact that had snapped him back to the present moment. His journey had not been for nothing. A slight smirk formed on his lips.  He was quickly coming back to his body, burying his paws in the sand in an attempt to ground himself.  It was working quite well, and soon, Eon had his own glint of mischief in his eyes. “I will go and burn that place to the ground myself if it's not already” he’d speak with a  hint of sharpness in his voice that was not there before. It was apparent that whatever Enya had done to him, had worked quite efficiently.

When Enya went on to claim he was in her territory, the mischievous look in his eyes disappeared. Was he trespassing then? Well… If Enya had seen it that way, he supposed she wouldn’t have healed him - but would have left him there to die on the shore, or even finish the deed herself. She mentioned bands of rouges scattered across the lands they were aiming to unite. It seemed she wasn't driving trespassers out, instead, inviting them into their ranks. That was something Eon could admire. It was a true show of strength in his opinion - seeing everyone had a home and purpose within the lands.  He began to wonder just how big this claim was - how far this realm, as she called it - stretched. It couldn’t be that big if she had claimed it all for herself, right? Still, he looked up at her in bewilderment.

“A pack united under a common purpose can achieve a lot.” he’d agree to her next statement. While Athadia had failed - it was because the pack had not stood united under a common goal.  If they had, they could have been so much more than they were. Instead, the blood laws had held them back - but if a pack would be united under a common purpose, if a pack could respect each other and their strengths, could aid each other through their weaknesses - well, they would be unstoppable. Eon could tell by the way Enya spoke, that thats what she wanted to do - and he held nothing but respect for that.

The small canid began to wonder, had Enya saved him so he could help in some way? Had she seen him as somebody worth saving to help build this pack of hers? Was this new pack his destiny then? He was silent for a moment, as he contemplated the possibilities. Finally, he opened his mouth to speak.  “I would like to help you in your quest to unite these lands if you’ll have me.” he’d finally reply. “I may be small, but I am capable. I assume you saw that in me anyway. You wouldn’t have bothered saving me if you didn’t think I was.”


OOC Date: 09-13-2023, 11:03 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Eon's apology was accepted and acknowledged with a simple wink, further letting him know that she was teasing him. Already Eon seemed to be regaining his strength after her effort which made her glad. While she remained beside him, she watched and studied him. His proclamation of burning down their old shared world made her grin. "Perhaps some day we will be given the opportunity." The statement was muttered more than stating it boldly towards Eon. It was said so it might be inferred as more of a rhetorical question, as a some-day goal if the chance ever presented its self. 

She continued on afterwards to explain her claim to the entirety of the Realm. As she did so, she watched Eon's reaction to try and judge him and his thoughts. Would he see the vision that she and Caedwyn both had? Would he resent the vision, proclaiming that the creatures of the Realm should be allowed to live only for their selves? His first words left her undecided in which way he would sway. It was a statement, but it did not tell her whether or not he agreed or disagreed with her and Caedwyn's taking control of the lands, of the future they had decided for each and everyone who inhabited it.

He seemed to fall into thought (she assumed) as he remained silent after her long-winded explanation. She remained patient as she allowed him the time to think and consider what she had told him. If he agreed, she'd gladly help him along further, ensure his safety, his sanity, and help him rise up to fulfil his own desires and destiny. If he disagreed with her, well, she would still ensure his safety and sanity. She would bid him good will, linger nearby for long enough to make sure that he recovered well enough, and hoped that he one day did not ever decide to turn against The Realm. Enya was tired of having enemies. 

Thankfully, he had opted to offer himself to The Realm - to her realm specifically. "Of course we will have you." she said gently with a smile. She settled down after taking a look around for others and relaxed, happy that she had been able to help Eon, happy that he had decided to join them, and happy to be in the presence of an old familiar face. Her tail wagged behind her against the sands of the beach, creating a picture behind her. Eon continued on, selling himself to her and declaring that he was plenty capable. "I would have saved you regardless, Eon. A great healer once taught me that no one should go without healing based on one's own personal ideals and preferences." Zehr had truly made her a better wolf in that regard. "But I am glad that you want to help. Athadia may have lost you, but The Realm will gladly take you in under our care. View it as a fresh start. A chance to make a new life - a new home - for yourself. Make something that you can be proud of, and make a future that you feel comfortable leaving behind." She suddenly felt like she was voicing Caedwyn's words now to Eon. It was funny how the chain continued on. "Figuring out your place in the Realm can happen over time. I want you to recover and feel settled in, first. I've been scouting this beach and the surrounding areas for the past several days. I know of a sheltered cove where rain water pools and the crustaceans gather eagerly. While they are not the most filling, they will do well enough - assuming you don't have a natural aversion to them." 

Enya stood and stretched her limber body, shaking out the sand and restlessness she felt within her. "Come, if you can get to your feet. I can show you the cove, if you would like. There we can get you settled down to recover the rest of the way." She spun in a circle, then, to try and urge Eon along, then turned with her side to him, pointing in the general direction she wanted to head to. Briefly, she wondered if he was even able to get to his paws yet. Perhaps she'd have to figure out a way to move him herself - something she was sure her magic could assist her with. 

text. "speech."

Table code by Zodiac
OOC Date: 09-20-2023, 12:58 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

I'm not giving up...
I'm just giving in.

‘Of course we will have you’ Eon's ears perked up at Enyas' reply.  So it was agreed, at the moment, that Eon would follow her to build this kingdom. He knew the commitment and work laid bare before him was of vast amounts - but at least now, he had direction, purpose, something to call his own— a home. He had found what he was looking for. He would glance back to the sea watching the waves slowly roll onto the sandy shore. He felt grateful for it, even if it had almost killed him. For the first time in a long while he felt a sort of security, something he had been craving for a long time, even before Athadia fell. The chaos was rearranging itself - picking up the pieces of the past and re-building a path to the future. 

A slight smile graced his features.  Though it only appeared as a slight quiver upon his lips it would shine much brighter in his eyes. His azure gaze glowed in Enya's direction, a sign of appreciation and he noted that she too was smiling. He watched as her tail wagged behind her, kicking up the sandy terrain below them and soon his own trio had joined hers. He anticipated what else she had to say,  explaining that she would have saved him regardless of if she had found him worthy.  Her statement made him feel several things, a whirlwind he perhaps wasn’t ready for only minutes after waking up.  At first, he felt disappointment. Did she only save him because of the mentioned healer's teachings?  The thought swiftly left him, however, as he realized her words mirrored his own morals. He would much rather have someone generous enough to heal the injured, regardless of their story, as his leader - even if that meant he might have to prove himself to her still. He would find a way to do so - eventually. 

His ears perked up again as he heard his old pack's name… Athadia. He’d glance back downward at his paws. That too washed up a lot of emotions he had wanted to leave at sea - but he still carried them. As much as he wanted to escape it, Athadia was a part of his past and a part of who he was. Those struggles and regrets would haunt him even as he followed the new path laid out for him. He would not forget - even if he wanted to. Even if Enya's words were comforting, the mention of Athadia alone was enough to send shivers down his spine. With a quick swallow of air, however, he would do his best to put it to the side for now and hide it until he was alone. For now, he would continue to listen - even if he didn't reply. These emotions were better kept to himself.

He agreed that finding out what role exactly he was meant to play could happen over time. He was still healing and there was no need to stress over all that now. He would show his agreement with a slight nod of his head. A smile emerged as she mentioned she had found a place he could shelter. He’d stand to his paws as quickly as he could - excited to get to wherever this place was.  Though he was a bit clumsy in his movements and far from sure-footed like he wanted to be he was certainly in good enough shape to walk a bit.  The place sounded like paradise right about now.  “I can make it” he’d say, padding up beside her. He’d spread his large galactic wingspan.  He didn’t plan to fly, not yet anyway, but it felt good to finally stretch them before folding them again to his sides. “Ready when you are” he’d glance in her direction trying to hide any exhaustion he still felt. He would push through it.


OOC Date: 09-26-2023, 11:17 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

To Enya's relief, Eon was able to get to his own feet easily and quickly enough, showing his energy had truly restored. He wouldn't have to worry about her darting off and leaving him, either. The energy he gained had been energy she had lost. She was still able, but between her sprints down the beach and helping Eon, she was not full of spirit any longer. "Good" she commented with a grin and smile returning to her face, "I didn't want to have to carry you." Even though she would have, if he had needed it. As Eon spread his wings, Enya turned her gaze to marvel at them, looking and openly gawking at how nice the colors flexed on the feathers against the sun, sands, and ocean waters. She wondered briefly: would he take flight? The thought of flying filled Enya with a great need. Why did it always take her magic so long to restore after she teleported into a new world? Why did she even have to ask that question, and why had she been transported between... well she wasn't sure how many worlds it had even been at this point. 

He closed his wings and spoke his readiness to her and Enya nodded her head once firmly before motioning with her head for him to walk alongside her. From there, she kept an easy slow trot for a pace. The cove was not far, but tide was rising and soon they'd be swimming if they didn't scurry along fast enough. As they trotted, Enya talked, pausing in her chatter only to correct their path, or to wait for a response from Eon if she thought of one as necessary. "As I said before, we have plenty of time to figure out what and where you want to be. I want to elaborate further on just what exactly this Realm of ours is. We have claimed the entirety of the lands - that you know already - but what you don't know is how we do so. If you sniff around, you won't find any scent markers making borders across the lands. You won't find scratch marks, or hanging ornaments, or walls or anything of the sorts to indicate who owns what, and what is considered free lands. All of it belongs to the Realm, because all of us need to work together. Vrolga, Athadia, Casfura and Barioth. Each pack was strong in its own rights, but weak at the same time, falling into it's politics which caused each pack's ultimate demise. Here, that won't happen. It can't happen, because we don't all work to enforce our own beliefs. We work to enforce everyone's. We claim the lands by spreading our beliefs, the beliefs that all beliefs are valued, and we excuse those who try to say otherwise. Don't care for the idea? That's fine by us, too. Just don't interfere or hinder The Realm, and we will leave you alone all the same."

Enya paused to take a breath, regathering her thoughts before she started to deviate and ramble on. "So, now that you know how we work, you can make a better choice for yourself where that puts you, and what part you will play. You said you wanted to join the cause, but what does that mean to you?" She continued on, not yet letting him answer, showing that she meant to ask more questions before it was his turn to speak, "Will you be someone who settles down in an environment of your choosing, perhaps pursue studies, or raise a family of your own? Maybe you will become, one day, a great healer? Or a Seer? Or perhaps even a Star Chaser? The point is, you are free to pursue any dream that you choose here. Don't limit yourself to what you think you should be. Become what you want to be, and let the Realm empower you to do so." Finally, Enya stopped talking and waited for Eon's response. Even her legs stopped in their trot, slowing down to a stand still, as she paused and turned to look at the smaller canid whom she had just lectured into (she was sure) boredom. She wanted her words to sink in, and waited for them to do so. "You don't have to answer now." she started up again, both in talking and in her trot. "In fact, I don't want you to answer now. I want you to think about it, sleep on it, and figure out your true answer. Come now, the Cove is just ahead." 

Her limber legs slowed to a walk as their paws shifted from rocky bottom to more of a sandy beach. Large rocks long ago weathered by the sea surges and winds arched further inland, surrounded by rich foliage and creating a beautiful outcropping safe from tides, winds, and the sun. She had hoped to be the first one to bed here, but Eon needed it more than she did. "Help me gather some of these palms. Careful, some of them can wield sharp spikes along the stems." She walked over to a bushy palm to the left of the cove, gripped one, and after several tugs with an arched back and planted feet, she ripped the palm frond clean. Her mouth dribbled blood from the very spikes she had warned Eon of. Then, she stepped inside the cove to start lay and start ripping the frond apart. 


text. "speech."

Table code by Zodiac
OOC Date: 10-18-2023, 12:28 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

I'm not giving up...
I'm just giving in.

Eon took note as Enya nodded her head, queuing him to follow alongside her step. The small canid did his best to keep pace. He felt a lot better, but he also felt very drained. The saltwater that stuck to his coat would have typically annoyed him, but Eon didn’t even have the energy to care at this point - he just wanted to get to wherever Enya was leading him as quickly as possible.

  He did his best to hide the nagging tiredness.  he didn’t want to put any more strain on Enya - not after she had saved him, and offered to lead him to a safe place to rest. As they trotted, Eon could not help but become fixated on his breath. Each inhale practically burned inside his lungs, but he sure as hell wasn’t about to let Enya know that.  He did his best to keep his breathing at a normal, slow, pace.  His ears perked slightly as he heard her begin to speak. He wasn’t sure how well he could listen right now, but he sure was going to try. He just hoped it would be a quick conversation, at least.

His eyes flickered towards her with forced interest… well, perhaps forced wasn’t the right word. He was interested in what she had to say - but between the cloud of dreariness hovering over him - and the memories that continued to haunt him - it was hard for him to think straight, let alone concentrate on her words.  It seemed she was just reiterating what she said before. It was too early for him to figure out his place. He got that. A slight smirk formed upon his lips. As a matter of fact, he could hardly agree more. He was in no state to figure out exactly where he wanted to be in the newfound kingdom. That would come with time. She then proceeded to tell him more about the kingdom.  As hard as it was to stay focused on her words, Eon was intrigued. This kingdom of hers - a realm where everyone worked in unity, respecting everyone's beliefs and not enforcing their own ideals sounded like a paradise… but could it even be done?

Eon was a believer at heart - the nagging thoughts that it would only end in disaster were quickly cast aside and the slight smirk returned to his lips as he listened to her trail on, admittedly, the haziness catching up to him. He might not have been able to catch every word, but he had gotten the gist of her lecture.

“I can see your vision. A place where everyone accepts everyone, their beliefs, their ideals, - A place where differences are celebrated, not something used to divide us,  a place we can all work together for a common purpose. I’ve seen it in my dreams - but never before had I pictured it would become a reality.”

He paused for a moment. He had got so caught up in his excitement he had forgotten to hide behind the mask he had temporarily built for himself. He stumbled slightly but managed to catch himself. That didn’t stop the coughing fit that came next - however… perhaps it was for the best though as it seemed once it was done and over with, he felt slightly better.

“S-Sorry” he’d choke out after he caught his breath again. “The point I was trying to get to anyway, was that I am more than willing to do whatever I can to help make this a reality, not just for you, but for myself, and everyone else who will benefit.”

His tails swished around behind him in a circular motion as he continued to collect his thoughts. They were hazy - but there. “I won’t give my answer now - as you said, best I think about it for a bit longer.”

Upon hearing the cove was up ahead, Eon, perhaps rather stupidly sped up and galloped forward. Azure eyes soon fell upon the sight Enya had told him about.“This must be it then!” he’d glanced a grateful smile towards her before she had requested him to help her. He only half listened to her warning, and it didn't really register as he trotted up beside her.  Without hesitation, he bit down on one of the palms she had pointed out to him. The sharp edge pricked his mouth, resulting in a yelp as he let go of the plant.  His gum was bleeding, and he didn't have anything to show for his effort as the plant still hung down in front of him, practically mocking him.  He looked back at Enya in shock who was also bleeding - even worse than he was - but she at least had successfully plucked one off its stem.

As the initial shock wore off he began to relax and even gave a soft chuckle. He might as well try again - at least now he knew what to expect. Wrapping his jaws around the large palm once more, he ignored the sharp edges that pierced the inside of his mouth and pulled, also successfully dislodging one. He’d put it down in the sand beside Enya.  “There” he’d say trumphantly. “How many of these do we need?”