Players must be 18 years or older.

We are rated 3-1-2 on the RPG Rating Scale:

  • Swearing and mature language is allowed
  • Mild sexual innuendo and references are allowed
  • Detailed violence and gore is allowed (in-character only)


Each character uses a separate Character Account.
Players must also have create a Player account (to link their accounts).


Be respectful and kind. Our community should be a fun place for everyone to enjoy. OOC is separate from IC; disagreements between players should not be taken in-character and vice versa.

    We encourage players to resolve disputes privately without staff involvement. Staff will not intervene in situations / tensions / relationships that originated before involved parties joined the site. Players can block other players in discord and choose not to interact on the forum (Please tell the other person if you dont want them to join your threads). Staff will intervene in situations that are recent, relevant to the site, and break our code of conduct.


Characters must make 1 IC post each month to remain active; however, there is no penalty for non-leaders who go inactive. Player accounts must make 1 post ever 6 months to remain active. Reactivate your account by making a normal post on the forum. Staff do not need to reactive your account (it's automated). Players can archive their own accounts by going to Join/Activate


Characters may be in multiple threads at once. We assume each event is happening at a different time in the character’s storyline. When making IC threads, players set an IC date for their thread to help map out their character's timeline. Players can also back-date or future-date IC threads as long as it doesn’t interfere with other threads.

We do not have a word-count. It’s up to players to write enough action and dialogue for your partner to reply. Do not post WIP "work-in-progress" posts, place-savers or bump posts. Posts must be in 3rd-person. No power-play, god-modding, meta-gaming, or retconning.
We allow "Read-Only" threads. This is a thread that might involve only one character doing something (great for exploring backstories, dreams, or events that happen alone) or it could be an OOC post summarizing an event that players OOCly agreed happened. Can be long or short. Please mark Read-Only posts with [RO] in the title. All characters who are present should reply to the thread so that it appears in their thread log.


All artwork on profiles or posts should pertain to your character. Artwork should be your own creation, art created for you, or art used with permission from the original artist. Ripping a copyrighted image off the internet without permission is not acceptable. Please do not embed video or audio players anywhere on-site. We discourage the use of moving or flashing images on the forum. Advertising commissions or adoptables is limited to players who have an active character.