In the dawn of creation, the ancient gods lived in absolute harmony; and the world flourished under their benevolent gaze. Their very essence, the life force known as The Will of the Gods, wove magic into existence and bestowed wisdom upon mortals. The Will flowed through all of creation, shared by all living things.

Yet, as the eons unfolded, a shadow of darkness crept into the corners of the world. Chaos and turmoil brought something new into the world: Akrasia - the weakening of the gods Will. As the Will weakened, so too did the life force of the world. Gods and mortals alike feared that if Akrasia weakened the Will beyond repair, the world and creation itself would be destroyed.

Tsillah, a goddess of unfathomable strength and stern conviction, saw mortals as the source of Akrasia, believing that weak-willed mortals had contaminated the collective Will. She descended upon the mortal realm, to test the Will of mortals through strength and discipline, and devoured the souls of those she deemed unworthy.

Opposing her was Ohr, a god of boundless compassion and unwavering faith. He preached purification of the Will through spiritual awakening, rather than the harsh sacrifice of mortal souls. He believed that mortals possessed the capacity to reignite the Will's flame through acts of kindness, devotion, and enlightenment.

These opposing beliefs led to a vengeful battle between the gods, each believing the fate of creation hung in the balance. Their fury tore the lands asunder: mountains crumbled, floods washed over the lands, and entire forests were uprooted. Terrified mortals beseeched the gods to end their war, fearing destruction. But instead of peace, the gods imposed a divine mandate upon their mortal followers "Follow my teachings. Protect the Will from Akrasia.” In exchange, the gods would set aside their battle and would intervene in mortal affairs only sparingly. Their presence would be a distant reminder of the stakes at hand.

Now, mortals must choose their allegiance or risk the gods returning to war once more, leaving many unanswered questions looming: Will the world end in Akrasia? Will the gods return to unleash their wrath? Or will all be saved?