"True strength is tested through hardship."


Midnight Mountains, Emerald Grove, Silver Lake




To outsiders, Duskorna appears to be a cruel and unforgiving Kingdom. In truth, Duskorna is deeply observant to their faith and value the bonds of kinship. They are unafraid to defend their kin and way of life. They often appear tribalistic due to their unique traditions and often adorn themselves with pelts and bones. Duskorna values strength and perseverance. Many of them believe themselves to be defenders of the Will and shoulder a heavy burden of preserving the world from Akrasia.


Members of Duskorna are expected to be devout followers of Tsillah. Their religion is an integral part of their Kingdom. Those who have recently joined are required to convert and begin learning the teachings of Tsillah as they progress through the ranks. Worship of other deities is tolerated so long as those beliefs do not interfere or contradict teachings of Tsillah, and Tsillah must be held above all other deities.


term of endearment, used for those with a close bond, family or lovers
insult or taunt, meaning weak, cowardly, or dishonorable


Breeding & Mateship
Anyone may freely mate or breed (some exceptions: times of famine, decree by leadership, etc); however, taking a mate that follows Ohr is considered an insult to the Kingdom and Tsillah, and can result in severe punishment.
Betrayal to the Kingdom is met with banishment or death. Physical reprimands are common for offenses and members are encouraged to handle disputes among themselves before involving higher ranks. Physical labor or demotions may also be ordered as punishment.
Death & Funerals
Deaths are bittersweet and funeral rites include a gathering where the deceased's bones are returned to earth. Many believe the deceased must face Tsillah in the afterlife to be reborn. Trinkets and offerings are sometimes made so the deceased may take a 'hoard' to the afterlife to appease Tsillah.
Treasure Hoards
Members are encouraged to maintain a collection of trinkets, treasure, and trophies. Members may steal from others hoards but do so at their own risk. The size of ones hoard often reflects their status and accomplishments. Members may also be gifted items to add to their hoard. Hoards can include any variety of trinkets that the owner finds interesting or valueable: bones, gemstones, rocks, pelts, etc.
Feats of Strength
Members frequently challenge themselves or each other to prove their strenth. How 'strength' is defind is up to the characters involved: slaying a large beast, stealing from someones hoard, a race, a spar, throwing a rock, a game of wits or stealth etc. Members will often adorn themselves with trophies or trinkets to signify their success with these challengs (wearing pelts, bones, or a memento of a fallen comrad, etc).


Feast of Frostfall
At the first snowfall, a feast and celebration is held to gather strength for the coming winter. All manner of food and drink is procured for the feast, to show the Kingdom's strength and faith in Tsillah to bring them a mild winter. Offerings and prayers are given to Tsillah.
Trial of Bones
A test of strength, wits, and will to earn favor from Tsillah. Participant(s) must prove themselves against a set of extreme conditions or set of circumstances. In ancient times, participants survived for 3 days alone and had to return with the bone of a slayed beast. Those who succeed are celebrated by the Kingdom as being worthy of Tsillah's favor.


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