These are background-characters used to enhance a character storyline, used temporarily for plots, or to create random events. NPCs should not be used to unfairly alter the outcome of any situation. The stats and abilities of an NPC are up to the player creating or using the NPC.

Players may post/play an NPC using their character account if their character is present; or use the NPC account any time. The NPC account is automatically linked for all players to use. Be sure to switch back out of the account when you're done so others can use the account.


Familiars are a special type of NPC. These are animals that characters can tame as pets. Having a familiar is optional.

  • Must be non-extinct, real-world animals
  • Must appear realistic, but characters can adorn them with small accessories or body-paints
  • Cannot be any species of canid, feline, or hyena
  • Cannot use magic
Familiars are meant to enhance gameplay and plots but should not be used to unfairly alter the outcome of any situation. Familiars can do many things, such as providing companionship; delivering items or messages; carrying items or characters (if size permits); scouting terrain or assisting with tasks; etc.

Familiars can also be used in combat situations if their actions are dicerolled. This will use up one of a characters available dice-rolls and uses the characters stat levels. This could include attacking, blocking a hit for a character, intimidating characters, using their body to stop another characters actions, detecting a hidden character/enemy, eavesdropping, etc.

How a character gains a familiar is up to the player. The type of bond between a familiar and character is up to the player. Some familiars may act more like pets while others may have a soul-bond, spirit-link, or other type of connection that allows them to communicate telepathically with their familiar.