A river valley between two mountain ranges. A powerful river flows through rocky terrain, creating strong currents and dangerous rapids. Precious gold ore can be found in the river for those brave enough. The forests surrounding abound with life.
[AW] Just a refreshing swim? [TRESPASS]
OOC Date: 09-16-2024, 04:44 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/16/2024  in  Whitewater  —  
Species Male African Dog
Build Adult Athletic 26"
Trade ---
Trade ---
Health4 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 2
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 3 Stealth 2
Deception 2 Strength 2
linked accounts

Mid morning on the beachfront, crushed shells and white sand felt good on his paws. The sun starting its normal routine of warming up the terrain, not to hot that Shifty couldnt handle, just right to warm him thoroughly against the cool coastal breeze. The winds had changed again. He knew there was a storm brewin in the gulf. 'A bit early this year this year' he thought to himself. "Time to test the waters." He said to himself. Barreling toward the salty water, he dove in washing of the sand in his fur. This would be his last swim before the storm hit.

Shifty went deeper to see if he could catch a fish for breakfast. There were fish but none that he particularly liked the taste of.

As he was coming back up for air the water changed, it lost its saltiness and instead it was very sweet. Nearing the surface another difference he noticed was the water was really flowing. He only got a quick breath in before he was caught in the hasty current and dragged back under. Slammed into the bottom, 'the bottom' this wasnt his normal beach anymore something happened. He had to get to shore. SLAM!!! Right into a boulder. Shifty didnt see it in the white rushing rapids. Twisting and rolling gasping for breath he managed to catch hold of another stone jutting out.

Slowly crawling his way towards the bank he was hurt he knew that much but how much damage he didnt know yet all he knew was his refreshing swim was quickly turning into a whole new ordeal. Climbing out of the water with some difficulty, his breathing was laborious probably one or two broken ribs. Panting on the bank of this whitewater river he got a quick glimpse of a land he had never seen before he passed out of exhaustion. 


OOC Date: 09-16-2024, 10:16 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/16/2024  in  Whitewater  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

When Enya had set out for her daily adventures across the lands, marking and patrolling as she went, she hadn't planned on trespassing into the other kingdom's lands. When she had started out, she had made her way down the river that ran northwest to their Silver Lake. At the end of it, she had come to a T. She knew that following it left would take her further into her homelands. She also knew that following it to the right would lead her into Verdantis' lands. She also also knew that choosing to go right instead of left (which is what she did), would mean that there could be possibly dire consequences. It was forbidden for a Monarch to enter another kingdom's lands unknown to them. In fact, it was forbidden for anyone to cross into Kingdom's lands without a proper welcome or invitation. 

Enya had neither of those, nor did she care as she continued to follow the river west and northwards as it ran. She wondered what had driven her to make such a choice in the first place. Was it curiosity? That was likely part of the reason, but normally she was mature enough to smother down her curious desire. Wasn't she over these days of rule breaking and mischief causing?

Enya laughed out loud as she realized the irony of such a thought. One, she hadn't aged at all. Her coat, her body, still echoed that of her time in her prime. It was like somehow she was eternally stuck at the age of four, even though she was at least double it at this point. Two, mischief was everything that was Tsillah. Testing the other Kingdom. That was her motivation, her purpose. She wanted to see how quick they were to react to her presence and find her. She wanted to see how strong they were, or how many might come to the call of another when they cried for help. Ohr's teaching would do little to rival that of Tsillah's. She would prove it! 

Enya stalked deeper into the territory, making half an effort to remain undetected as she trespassed. The further she walked, the rougher the river grew. She stared at the way that the water rushed over the boulders, listened to the crashing rushing sounds as it rumbled and broke the earth. 'Yes' she thought to herself with a grin. 'Perhaps one day I will bring some of the younger ones here to try their Will at making their way up the rapids. What fun that could be if the locals showed up to join the party!' Her grin broadened. 'Maybe we could earn the territory for ourselves as an afterparty' The idea of ruling an entire continent still stuck heavily in the back of her mind even though she had agreed to give the idea up when they founded Duskorna. 

There was suddenly movement at the edge of the rushing waters. It was green, dark, and white and at first Enya suspected it to be some sort of bird or swamp creature with the way it crawled out. It was when she approached that she realized it was a canine instead. Enya kept a healthy distance from the stranger, at least 10 lengths away, and watched with her forked tongue flicking rapidly between her jaws. She was scenting the wolf as best as she could from this distance. However, it was hard to read if he was with a kingdom at all over the strong odor of Verdantis coating her tongue. So, instead she assumed he had caught her and had... maybe failed the jump across the river while trying to actually catch her? 

Enya's grin remained as she stared at the stranger. "You're going to have to do a little better than that if you're trying to catch me. Where even was your stealth? You should have just yelled 'Surprise!'. Maybe you would have at least startled me into shock or something. So, what are you gonna do now? Call for help? Call for backup? You best be fast, before I push you back into the rapids." She had already decided she wasn't going down without a fight. 

The creature, however, didn't move or budge at her taunting or threat. In fact, it laid there quite still, almost as if it was dead. She frowned, more upset by the fact that it had missed her well-placed taunting than the idea of finding a dead body along the shore. In fact, she huffed at the thought that of course a follower of Ohr would fall victim to the very rapids she wanted to test Duskorna's youth on. It was quite ironic, really.

Enya closed the distance between herself and the canid. Her tongue continued to flick between her jaws as it continued to scent the creature ahead. Definitely canine and definitely male. She lowered her muzzle to the stranger, inspecting it. She reached her Will out to touch it and made a surprised face when she sensed life still within the creature. Hmm she wondered to herself. Should she save him? Zehr's words reminded her that healers did not pick sides of the battle. "God damnit, Zehr" she cursed under her breath as she took in a deep breath, then slowly exhaled. She focused her mind and pushed energy into the canid. Then she waited, ready to take action, in case he woke up with teeth bared.

Success: Enya has 1 in character hour where the thread cannot be joined by Kingdom members
Failure: Enya has blown her stealth. Any Kingdom member may enter the thread to confront her. (please limit it to 2 additional characters for the sake of keeping the thread moving along as a personal player request. However, this is not a rule.)

OOC Date: 09-16-2024, 10:16 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/16/2024  in  Whitewater  —  

Health Dexterity
Arcana Medicine
Charisma Perception
Constitution Stealth
Deception Strength
Enya rolled the dice.

Character Diceroll 1: Successful
Diceroll must be above 500 to be successful.
0 was added for Stealth.
522 was added for Level 1.
0 was added for A. No Enchantment.
0 was added for A. No Buff / Penalty.
OOC Date: 09-17-2024, 03:25 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/16/2024  in  Whitewater  —  
Species Male African Dog
Build Adult Athletic 26"
Trade ---
Trade ---
Health4 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 2
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 3 Stealth 2
Deception 2 Strength 2
linked accounts

As Shifty collapsed to the ground the black closing in on the peripheral vision, he might have heard someone speaking. Or rather taunting, why would anyone be taunting him when he clearly just battled the rampaging river? And his vision goes to black.

Next thing he knew was he felt this power leach into him and revive him. Shifty slowly opened his eyes gazing upon an interesting looking wolf snake hybrid beast. Coughing up a little bit of blood with the metallic iron taste. "Were you taunting me? Even after I nearly drowned in a river. I dont know how to take your *jab* at me, either you're to weak take on any real foe by coming after a half beaten individual like myself or judging by your stance you're expecting a fight."

Shifty wasnt in the mood to fight so whatever this beast was gonna do he wasnt going to be able to stop...Her. After a quick up and down of her physique. "Where am I? More importantly Who are you? And *cough* bleh sorry i think my rib is broken from the current slamming me into a boulder. Im Shifty."


OOC Date: 09-17-2024, 10:21 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/16/2024  in  Whitewater  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Enya blinked and stared as the canine suddenly awoke and proceeded to immediately deliver his own jab at her whilst coughing up blood at the same time. He hadn't even gotten up and he was insulting her! She blinked again and looked down at the canid with a smirk on her muzzle. She liked his spunk, and was taken by surprise at how feisty he was considering his situation. 'No fear' she thought to herself. What luck that as she stepped backwards from him to give him space that he filled her in on why he had been at the edge of the rapids. He had nearly drowned! 'You would have if it hadn't been for me' she thought again to herself. He owed her, he just didn't know that yet. 

"I'm always ready for a fight. I love fighting. It's exhilarating." she responded with a composed tone to her voice. She brushed off his insults like sand on her pelt. As he looked her over, she noticed his gaze and stood a bit straighter, letting him admire her. She was small, but she was powerful. There wasn't any part of her body that hadn't been physically honed to perfection. When he asked who she was, she chuckled. At least he could recognize nobility when it kept Tsillah from pulling this stranger to its fate, a thought driven by his words '...more importantly who are you?'.

"You're in the Kingdom of Verdantis. More specifically, you're laying on the banks of the whitewater rapids." If he didn't know where he was, then did that mean he wasn't one of the kingdom members here to bust her for trespassing? "I" she started, letting another amused chuckle leave her before she continued, "am Enya Fault, Monarch, or leader if you will, of Duskorna, the rival kingdom of Verdantis." Yes, she had laid it out for Shifty. She was the leader of the rival kingdom trespassing on claimed territory. "So, it's curious how I found you first before the locals did. Perhaps now you may better understand my hostility at your presence." 

Enya moved forward towards Shifty once again. When she shifted, though, there was no longer immediate aggression in her features. They were more relaxed now that she had assessed Shifty largely as a nonthreat in his current condition. "Nice to meet you, Shifty, even if you stink of Verdantis." Was it him, or was it just the lands? "Let me make up for my casually thrown insults by offering to heal your rib." She didn't wait for him to say 'yes' or 'no' in response. Her offer was not something to be rejected. Again she reached out with her Will, feeling for the life force that existed within Shifty. With another inhale and slow exhale, she pushed more energy through the invisible bond, willing the broken rib to mend itself. 

Enya tries to heal Shifty's rib without his consent. Shifty can deny the healing regardless of the role if he so chooses. 
Healing rolled at level 3 (medicine)
Success: Shifty's rib feels better. It may not be fully healed, but it's mended enough to no longer cause pain. 
Failure: Enya's attempt fails. She needs physical contact to try again. 

OOC Date: 09-17-2024, 10:21 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/16/2024  in  Whitewater  —  

Health Dexterity
Arcana Medicine
Charisma Perception
Constitution Stealth
Deception Strength
Enya rolled the dice.

Character Diceroll 1: Unuccessful
Diceroll must be above 500 to be successful.
0 was added for Medicine.
480 was added for Level 3.
0 was added for A. No Enchantment.
0 was added for A. No Buff / Penalty.
OOC Date: Yesterday, 03:14 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/16/2024  in  Whitewater  —  
Species Male African Dog
Build Adult Athletic 26"
Trade ---
Trade ---
Health4 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 2
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 3 Stealth 2
Deception 2 Strength 2
linked accounts

Whitewater. Hell of name for a place for sure. Shifty would be glad to never lay eyes on this place ever again. **Enya Fault** he had once heard of the leader of a realm back in the last land he was in. Now in a whole new kingdom were it seems Duskorna and Verdantis were rivals here. " Leader of Duskorna you say, well im not from around here. I was on a nice warm sandy beach. Went for a swim then ended up some how transported to this realm when i came back up."

As Enya motioned forward and concentrating on something he felt that strange power again a welcoming bond of will power. Only this time she must have been worn out cause it didnt do any good for his rib. Every breath he took was laborious he needed to see a healer. "I dont know what you just did but i dont feel any different. Got any good healers in your Kingdom?" Shifty hoped she still wanted to fight least not yet he'll give her a run thru the ringer once he got healed up.

" So ill make you a deal.*Cough* Once im not all banged up ill give you a fight in the arena." This will probably come back to bite him in the tail but how often do you get to challenge a higher up in the ring in your life. He had nothing to lose she could just end him now without a second thought but he was willing to gamble that she wouldnt.

OOC Date: Yesterday, 04:41 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/16/2024  in  Whitewater  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

'Well I'm not from around here...' The words were music to her ears, which she perked forward immediately. She listened to his story of how he had randomly ended up on the shores of the rapids. It further confirmed that her suspicions of him being a member of the local kingdom were false. He was free meat, by the sounds of it. Perfect for recruitment. Maybe... maybe that was why Tsillah had driven her into these lands. Perhaps she could recruit Shifty and steal him right out from underneath Ohr's nose. She involuntarily chuckled once more as the amusement from the idea struck her. 

However, when her magic failed her, the chuckle ceased and her face turned into a frown. When he asked her if her kingdom had any 'good healers' her teal eyes glared at Shifty. "I am a good healer, thank you very much. It's not my fault your Will wouldn't accept the gesture." Of course, it was never her fault. "Let me try again." It was, again, an order and not a request. Even as he offered his deal, she did not relent. She stepped yet closer to him, an uncomfortable distance for a stranger to be, and reached out a paw to touch him on his side where she felt the broken rib to be. When her paw made contact with him, she pushed an even greater surge of healing magic into Shifty. She would show him that she was a great healer! "How about we make a different deal" she started, then waited for her magic to finish, and for the curiosity in Shifty to peak to a level where he would ask her what she had in mind. 

Enya tries again to heal Shifty, this time with physical contact - Level 3 Medicine
Success: Enya heals Shifty's broken rib and some general soreness
Failure: Enya sucks as a healer. She can't heal shit. 

OOC Date: Yesterday, 04:42 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/16/2024  in  Whitewater  —  

Health Dexterity
Arcana Medicine
Charisma Perception
Constitution Stealth
Deception Strength
Enya rolled the dice.

Character Diceroll 1: Successful
Diceroll must be above 500 to be successful.
0 was added for Medicine.
559 was added for Level 3.
0 was added for A. No Enchantment.
0 was added for A. No Buff / Penalty.
OOC Date: Yesterday, 05:49 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/16/2024  in  Whitewater  —  
Species Male African Dog
Build Adult Athletic 26"
Trade ---
Trade ---
Health4 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 2
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 3 Stealth 2
Deception 2 Strength 2
linked accounts

Well maybe if Shifty knew what she was trying to accomplish he would have been more excepting of this *Will* stuff. As she placed her paw on his side were the bruise was now starting to show and swell. He gave her a look of 'Hey what are you doing?' as He felt an intense *Will* into his side. Easing the pain, wiping away his cough. "Oh you are a healer, thats what you were trying to do. Maybe i would have been more excepting of it if you were less um aggressive at first.

Enya had proposed a new deal, what was wrong with his? The least he could do was hear out her deal. "My deal not good for ya? Well lets hear what you got for an alternative?"
