We have a built-in dice-roller so you don’t have to calculate anything. We use dice-rolls for a fair combat system. Dice-rolls only determine if an action is successful, not how strong / powerful abilities are - so players are free to describe their abilities however they desire. Some limitations to keep in mind with dice-rolls:

  • Players may only make 2 dice-rolls per post.
  • Each spell may only be used 1 time during a post (cannot use the same spell twice in one post).
  • Each spell has a 1 post cooldown (cannot use the same spell two posts in a row).
  • Each Enchanted Item may be used 1 time in a post (cannot use the same Enchanted item twice in a post).
  • Each Enchanted Item has a 1 post cooldown (cannot use the same Enchanted Item two posts in a row).
  • A successful dice-roll can only damage / heal an opponent for 1 health per roll.


All characters start with 25 stat points to allocate to different skills, which we will call Stats. Higher stats increase the odds of rolling successfully. Higher stats do not make a character more powerful (it only effects odds during dice-rolls).

Stats are locked after your first post, so please choose carefully. Characters can gain additional stat points by posting in-character. Stats will temporarily unlock again so players can edit the stats on their profile.

  • 0 IC posts — 25 total stat points
  • 50 IC posts — 30 total stat points
  • 100 IC posts, 35 total stat points
Below is a cheat-sheet of when spells and stats unlock.


When dice-rolling, choose the stat type that best fits with the action or effect you intend.

  • Health (1-10) - the amount of hits / injuries a character can take before becoming incapacitated
  • Arcana (1-5) - magic only if the effect or action cannot fit into another category
  • Charisma (1-5) - communicate, intimidate, reassure, perform, inspire, or convince
  • Constitution (1-5) - survive harsh weather or elements, resist poisons or health related effects
  • Deception (1-5) - fool, lie, deceive, or mislead
  • Dexterity (1-5) - agility or careful movements (dodging, avoiding traps, navigating unstable or difficult terrain, etc)
  • Medicine (1-5) - give first aid or poisons (crafting / identifying medicines or poisons)
  • Perception (1-5) - identify or gather information using magic or senses
  • Stealth (1-5) - sneak or be undetected
  • Strength (1-5) - strength or brute force (shoving, tackling, pulling, resisting, etc)
  • Other: If an action doesn’t fall into any other category. - Characters do not allocate points to this stat. All characters are given a stat level of 2 in this category.


Our dice-roller includes situational buffs and penalties.

  • Kingdom members can select the Homeland buff for threads anywhere in their Kingdom.
    This gives Kingdom members an advantage when they're in their home territory.

  • Vagrants must always select the Vagrant penalty when dice-rolling.
    This is due to the harsh and unforgiving lifestyle of living without the safety of a Kingdom. Be aware, it's a harsh penalty. Only the strongest survive.

  • Characters can also use an Enchanted Item to aid their actions. See more about Crafting.


  • Character A writes their post attempting an action or effect.
    (include available / remaining health at the end of the post)
  • Check-mark “Add Dice-roll” at the bottom of the post.
    • Check-mark which dice-rolls you’d like to use.
    • Select the stat & level that corresponds to the intended action / effect.
    • Select any Buff or Penalty that might apply
  • Click submit.
  • Results are automatically posted. Do not edit your post.
  • Character B can see the results.
  • Character B repeats the above process.


Players moderate their own fights. Characters can continue until they run out of health or until an agreed number of rounds has occurred. If they choose, players can pre-determine the outcome of fights oocly.


Players have 48 hours to respond to an attack / combat post (you must tag or notify the other player if it is the first attack). If there is no response, the attacker may post again (double-post). If a character misses 2 deadlines in a row, the fight will be forfeit. Deadlines are only enforced by players. If a player chooses not to double-post or not to declare a forfeit against their opponent, there is no penalty.


Dice only need to be rolled if players haven’t previously agreed how a situation should turn out. This includes combat or if you are affecting another character. Players do not need to roll dice if they have pre-planned or agreed on a winner. Some examples of when to use dice:

    No Dice: Character A uses fire spell to light their way through a dark tunnel.
    Dice-Roll: Character A uses fire spell to blind Character B while they are fighting in a dark tunnel.

    No Dice: Character A uses telepathy to flirt with Character B.
    Dice-Roll: Character A uses telepathy to send a secret message to Character B while others are nearby.

    No Dice: Character A uses seed spell to grow some flowers in their garden.
    Dice-Roll: Character A uses seed spell to grow thorny vines that injure Character B.