A river valley between two mountain ranges. A powerful river flows through rocky terrain, creating strong currents and dangerous rapids. Precious gold ore can be found in the river for those brave enough. The forests surrounding abound with life.
[AW] Just a refreshing swim? [TRESPASS]
OOC Date: Yesterday, 03:10 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/16/2024  in  Whitewater  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

The physical contact made the connection between her Will and Shifty's strong enough for her magic to be a success this time. As the energy left her, she felt a drain on her own energy in return. She'd been hard at work since she'd first woke up and between the traveling and magic, was starting to feel fatigued. She had made a point of making sure her healing magic had been extra potent for him. Now, she was regretting it. "Hmph" she laughed as he tried to lecture her on not being aggressive right away. "I wonder what your history is to resort to aggression as a last resort, instead of a first. Maybe if you grew up like I did..." She let the rest of the sentence linger unspoken. 

"Anyways. What I had in mind for a deal was this. Not only did I save your life, I also healed you too. So now, I figure you owe me right? Makes sense. But see, I'm a good wolf. I'm not going to hold helping someone over their head. You know why?" She paused momentarily, just long enough that Shifty might start to respond, then immediately started speaking again, cutting off any words he might have started to say. "That's not what Tsillah is all about. She's about empowering others, driving them to be the best possible outcomes of their selves. She sent me here to find you, to guide you down the right path. So, how about we make this deal instead. You come with me, back to my kingdom escorted by a Monarch, and you learn the ways of the Goddess who rescued you today." 

OOC Date: 10 hours ago
IC THREAD DATE: 09/16/2024  in  Whitewater  —  
Species Male African Dog
Build Adult Athletic 26"
Trade ---
Trade ---
Health4 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 2
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 3 Stealth 2
Deception 2 Strength 2
linked accounts

After the brief uncomfortableness of physical contact from a total stranger and healing will power course through his body. Shifty felt explicably rejuvenated. He felt he could run over the Savanah like he did when he was a pup. "I accept your deal, only because it will be good to have an adequate healer in my back pocket when I rise to power in Duskorna. Shifty was mostly only enjoying the banter with Enya. He never really want to be responsible for leading an entire kingdom. One could aspire greatness in life. Maybe now she will get a hint of why he was called 'Shifty'. "If you don't keep an eye on me you'll have a thorn in your side before to long to remind you that i'm not to be over looked."

"Well you say i reek of Verdantis, Where to My lady? He was ready to move on first hour here and he already resented this water way.

(As a side note this is when Shifty changes over to Duskorna from Verdantis)
