Characters can form groups, called Kingdoms. Due to various cultures, characters may refer to their Kingdom as their pack, pride, clan, tribe, etc. Each Kingdom may have unique traditions, culture, laws, or other requirements that are upheld by their Leaders and members. Kingdoms may claim 3 territories as long as the territories are next to each other. Kingdoms have no maximum population. Kingdoms may have up to 2 vernacular (special words), 2 unique customs (things they do), and 2 events (festivals or holidays).

Players are responsible for keeping their Kingdom and rank updated on their profile.







High leader(s). They create laws and make decisions. They are afforded the ultimate respect and honor. Can be referred to as King, Queen, Alpha, etc



Secondary leader(s). Assists the Monarch(s) and is given respect and honor.


Honorary rank only given in recognition for accomplishments, service, or sacrifice to the Kingdom.


Kingdom members. (20 IC threads)


Kingdom members. (15 IC threads)


Kingdom members. (10 IC threads)


Kingdom members. (5 IC threads)


New members who support the Kingdom.


"Loner" characters who live without a Kingdom. Vagrants get a penalty on all dice-rolls.


Characters start out as a Vagrant (loner) or Serf (Kingdom member).

Characters do not need to do a thread to join a Kingdom (you can join OOCly). We encourage OOC joining so that players and Leaders can jump right into plots. Simply choose a Kingdom that is appropriate for your character and update your character profile. It is assumed characters know the names of Leaders even if they OOCly join.

To join ICly, create a thread in a territory the Kingdom has claimed and tag it as [JOINING] in the title. Have the character waiting or exploring near the border area. Any Kingdom member can accept the character into the Kingdom. We do not suggest joining by this method, as these threads tend to go slow and delay characters getting into plots. If the thread goes stale or doesn't have a reply after 7 days, players are encouraged to join their character OOCly.

Kingdom members can advance from Serf to Highblood with activity or by challenging for the rank.
Players do not need approval to advance through these ranks. Simply update your profile if you qualify.

  • Highblood — complete 20 IC threads
  • Veteran — complete 15 IC threads
  • Citizen — complete 10 IC threads
  • Peasant — complete 5 IC threads
  • Serf — starting rank for new Kingdom members
Knight rank can only be granted by a Noble or Monarch. This rank is given for IC merit and plots, not for posting activity. Knight cannot be challenged for rank, unless a leader agrees to the challenge.

Leader ranks can be given by other leaders, or attained through a rank challenge.

Non-Leader characters will never be demoted for inactivity. Characters disappearing / reappearing is considered normal. We assume inactive characters have left the area or are doing something "off screen", and they do not show in the ranks. Characters can be demoted or exiled for crimes, disobedience, or disrespect to higher ranks (especially leaders).

Characters can attempt to gain a higher rank by completing a rank challenge.

  • Anyone can challenge for higher rank if they have been in the Kingdom for 30 days.

  • A Leader can overturn the results of any challenge (unless they are the one being challenged).

  • Unless the characters involved intend to lie about the results of a challenge, it is assumed Leaders and Kingdom members can learn of any resulting rank changes in the days after a challenge has occured (assuming those characters are active and residing in the Kingdom territory). If players want to keep the results secret or intend to have their character lie about the results, they should post an obvious notice somewhere in the challenge thread.

  • The specific nature and rules of rank challenges depend on the situation, rank being attained, and the culture or laws of the Kingdom. A challenge can be straight-forward combat, a challenge of wits or skill, or some other feat that a Leader has deemed appropriate. Characters may choose to have another act on their behalf during a challenge. Players are encouraged to be creative.

  • Defeating a Leader does not mean the rest of the Kingdom will automatically accept the change in leadership. A character must defeat anyone willing to oppose them before they can successfully claim a Leader rank. Due to the difficult nature of attaining a Leader rank, a coup or battle might occur when forcefully removing a Leader from power.

  • Leader characters must make 4 IC posts per month to retain their rank.

  • Leader characters who fail the Leader Activity Requirement will be demoted to Knight (at Staff discretion or if another player desires to attain the Leader rank). Players are responsible for updating the rank on their profile.

  • If a leader is removed for any reason, the next highest-ranked active character has priority to claim the position. Kingdoms will be given 7 OOC days to replace a leader with an active character.

  • Leaders should make an effort to be involved in their Kingdom by creating plots and socializing with other players. Leaders should make monthly discord updates for any major events, rank promotions, or events happening in their Kingdom.

  • Leaders may make changes to Kingdom laws, culture, and information - within reason. Updates to the Kingdom information must be done based on IC reason / events, with approval from Kingdom members, or with the intent to improve the Kingdom. Leaders should not completely change or 'overhaul' their Kingdom without adequate reason to do so. Updates can be requested in the #support channel of our discord.

  • Leaders should request the IC-Leader Role in our discord. If you are no longer an IC-Leader, please remove the role. Leaders may make announcements in our discord for Kingdom events using the announcements channel (please only tag @Announcements).

Kingdom territories are regularly patrolled by characters and NPCs. Any time a non-member travels into claimed territory without permission, it is considered trespassing. It is very difficult to trespass very far into claimed territory without being detected. Accidental trespassing usually occurs near the borders, usually does not have any malicious intent, and can freely occur.

Deliberate trespassing (or spying) is done purposefully for a variety of reasons, both malicious and benign. This kind of trespassing usually occurs deeper into claimed territory. To remain fair, we require players to label these threads as "[TRESPASS]" in the title and require characters to dice-roll when doing this kind of trespassing. Each trespasser should make a Stealth dice-roll when they cross into Kingdom territory. Succeeding will grant the trespasser the ability to travel undetected for 1 IC hour. If any trespasser fails the dice-roll, any Kingdom member can freely join the thread to confront the trespassers.

If a character intends to remain in a Kingdom for an extended time as a spy (going undercover), they may do so freely so long as their actions would not reasonably cause suspicion. Players are cautioned not to metagame when interacting with spies. Characters usually have no reason to suspect or single out a spy, simply because you as the player know they're a spy; however, spies are encouraged to utilize dice-rolls more often when acting as a spy (ie deception, stealth, etc).

Kingdoms always claim 3 territories. A Kingdom may change one of their claimed territories once a month.

To forcebly claim a territory that is already held by another Kingdom, it must be done ICly. Multiple threads may be required to determine who successfully claimed the territory. Contact staff if you need assistance setting-up or monitoring a large scale battle.

Staff will announce when Kingdom formation is open. Staff will consider overall character / player population and activity levels before opening Kingdom formation. Anyone who meets the criteria can apply to form a Kingdom when it is open. If there are multiple applications, Staff will review to determine which Kingdom will be allowed to form. Staff can make this decision OOCly based on factors such as overall activity, number of founding members, potential for future plots, etc. If the culture of a Kingdom too closely resembles an existing Kingdom, the application will be declined.

Kingdom names may use any naming scheme as long as it is not inappropriate, but must fit on 1 line in the layout.

    Proposed Kingdom must have at least:
  • 1 Leader
  • 4 adult supporting characters (non NPCs)
  • 3 territories available to claim
  • Synopsis of their overall Culture
  • Religion (or lack of religion)
  • 1 Vernacular
  • Custom: Breeding & Mateship
  • Custom: Punishment
  • Custom: Deaths & Funerals
  • 1 Unique Custom or Tradition
  • 1 Festival or Event
  • 1 Law
    All forming members must:
  • Be registered for at least 30 days
  • Have 10 IC posts in the last 30 days

  • Have an active leader
  • Minimum of 3 other active members who make 1 IC post each month

Kingdoms that fail to meet the above criteria each month will immediately disband. Disbanded Kingdom's can only be re-formed if Kingdom formation is open; and, they must meet the formation requirements again. A Kingdom disbanding does not mean Kingdom formation will automatically reopen.