Sinkhole Abyss
A giant cave system that stretches deep underground, formed by an ancient sinkhole. The cave is like a honeycomb, with layer upon layer going deeper and large openings to the sky above.
For Her Eyes Only [p][m]
OOC Date: 09-04-2024, 12:01 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Her tail wagged quickly as he took her into an embrace, declaring that the earrings were perfect, just like her. She carefully hooked each earring as he tilted his head left then right, then stood up straight and made a show of admiring them as they hung. The gold had been a good choice. It matched his eyes well, but didn’t take away from his kingly appearance he boasted naturally, now that he’d been given the chance to do so.

Suddenly a light erupted from behind Caedwyn, illuminating him in the darkness with a red and yellow glow. A candle had suddenly lit, the fire eagerly dancing in the open air of the crater. Caedwyn turned to ask her if she’d seen it, in which she nodded with a surprised look on her face. Her tail wagged faster. She pushed forward into Caedwyn, pressing the top of her head under his neck with affection. ”Tsillah has already blessed us this evening.” she murmured affectionately to Caedwyn. Then she pulled away to stare at the next candle in line. ”Whatever it was you just felt, do it again.”

She turned to look at him, her teal gaze intense with excitement. If her suspicions were correct, if Caedwyn had been blessed this night by Tsillah with a new power, she would be forced to believe that she was making the right choices under Tsillah’s guidance. She felt grateful for the path she had set for herself. Her gaze moved skyward briefly, searching the skies for anymore miracles that might be bestowed, then looked back to Caedwyn once more. ”Show Her she has chosen the right one for her blessing.”

OOC Date: 09-04-2024, 12:08 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

”Whatever it was you just felt do it again.” His eyes flicked over from the candle, to Enya and then back again. He felt a little embarrassed when he considered what exactly it was he’d been feeling when the candle had lit. It was anger. Irritation. But, Enya’s words were encouraging. He nodded, continuing to focus his gaze on the candle. He was too excited now to bring back the anger he’d felt moments ago. Hell, even his tail was wagging a little. He just needed to calm down a little. Damnit.

Another candle flicked with light and he gasped with excitement, taking a step forward. As he felt the energy move through him quickly, more and more candles began to light. ”Look! Another one!” he said, perhaps a little too loud. His head turned between Enya and the candles as though somehow she was going to miss this miraculous moment if he didn’t make her look quick enough. She’d told him to do it and he had. Though, he wondered… was it really him doing it? Or was it Tsillah’s power they were witnessing?

His wagging tail grew still as he considered. He took a deep breath, looking back over toward the altar. He lifted his head a little higher, straightening his posture and then took a few steps forward. Another deep breath and an exhale. He closed his eyes and began to focus, imagining the candles in his mind. And then focusing only on the flame that burned the wick. He imagined he could feel the warmth of the flame and soon he wasn’t sure if it was imagination or reality, as the air grew warm around him. He took a long breath out and opened his eyes.

He had to try. He had to be certain. He pulled at the Will inside him. As he released the energy the candle flames exploded into columns of fire, sparks flying out from them for a moment. The flames spewed in different direction, little wisps of flame breaking off and flying around. The wisps began to take shape, taking the form of large birds flying around the pair of wolves in a spiral before flying on up into the air and dissipating. All of this had happened suddenly and just as quickly as it happened the candle flames had returned to normal and Caedwyn was left standing in front of the altar.

”It appears, Tsillah has blessed me with fire.” Caedwyn said finally, turning his gaze back to Enya with a sly smile. Fire. He had spent what felt like forever in his life with no magic at all, and now Tsillah had granted him yet another ability. He’d found his first ability fighting Enya, and now this. That had to be the key. Tsillah’s eyes were upon them. The both of them.

”She has blessed us,” Caedwyn said, taking a step back toward Enya. ”Now we must honor her.”


OOC Date: 09-04-2024, 12:09 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Enya watched with amazed interest as one by one the candles lit. Her tail swayed furiously behind her as Caedwyn’s excitement grew greater and greater, her own growing with his. Then he grew still and the excitement in him eased and she watched as he meditated. In a flash suddenly the candles exploded into flaming columns. Enya instinctually recoiled from the sudden flames and had to push the urge to douse them away. She saw a flicker of flame twinkle in front of her, then extinguish itself. Then, suddenly, the air around her warmed but not to an uncomfortable level, and the columns of flames twisted into birds spiraling into the sky.

Caedwyn spoke and turned his gaze towards her. She returned it with admiration and wonder. She felt her heart swell with pride and love. What a gift to receive and what a night to receive it upon! ’She has blessed us’ Caedwyn spoke and Enya nodded her head in agreement. She closed the distance between them and leapt up with her front paws to wrap them around him, pulling him into an embrace. She nuzzled at the base of his ear, nipping him with affection and excitement. ”We will honor her”

Enya dropped from her embrace with Caedwyn and stepped backwards to give him a look over. She smirked, then twisted away with a quick bound and snatched up the rope for the grazing lamb. It had started to bolt, but she’d been quick enough to pounce before it could flee. Loud bleats over several seconds later and the lamb was pulled to the center of the altar. ”Tsillah, our Goddess who tests our strength of Will, we give you this offering spread before you” She turned to Caedwyn and motioned for him to help her with the lamb. ”Let’s bleed it for her. Will you do the honor?”

OOC Date: 09-09-2024, 02:40 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

Caedwyn's tail gave a wag when Enya pulled him into an embrace and he pushed his head into the fur of her neck, allowing her to pull him in close. His body calmed and stilled when she moved away. She seemed to have an interesting expression on her face but before Caedwyn would dwell on it, she had jolted her body the other way and snatched up the rope tied to their lamb-offering. The poor thing must have been making a break for it, but Enya had been too quick to allow it to escape. He smiled, a little devilishly, watching her pull it along behind her and hear the desperate bleating as it had no choice but to follow along. She could have been pulling a full grown stag and it would have made no difference, in his opinion. The woman was iron-willed and her skills in combat were un-matched. It was a little amusing watching her pull such a pitiful little creature, but there was also something nice about it. The way the lamb trotted along after her with little defiance other than its bleating. It was like a symbol of her overwhelming power.

"Tsillah, our Goddess who tests our strength of Will, we give you this offering spread before you” Enya had began their ceremony. At last it was time. "Let’s bleed it for her. Will you do the honor?” His eyes moved away from the lamb, which he'd been studying, over to her eyes and he took in the deep aqua of her gaze. His smile widened into a toothy grin as he tried to contain the somewhat-unhinged joy that washed over him when she asked him to make the sacrifice. Still smiling, he nodded and took a step closer, moving around to the side of Enya - but only just enough to pass her to get to the lamb. His body brushed against hers slightly as he passed, his eyes still locked onto her face until he had moved completely behind her. Only then did his gaze break away and look down to the lamb.

He could hear its breathing and the little stamping of its soft hooves as it shifted its weight against the lead-rope. He could hear the thumping of his own heart and the heaviness of his own breath, and he imagined the taste of its blood and the sound it would make when he felled it. He paused momentarily, drawing out the moment. "Tsillah," he finally spoke, still looking at the lamb. "... we send you this offering." He leaned in closer. He would make the offering to Her... and... to her. In a blur of movement, he had grabbed the lamb by the throat, sinking his teeth deep into its flesh and veins. Only a half-bleat escaped it before Caedwyn clamped down. Soft gurgles of pain escaped but quickly subsided. He held it still, using his strength to keep the lamb from thrashing about. The blood from its throat gushed out around Caedwyn's jaws, trickling down his maw and neck until finally all struggle from the lamb stopped.

He lifted his head to look up at the moon overhead, carrying the lamb with him, allowing its blood to drip freely into a pool below. He was presenting it for their goddess to see... and for her. After a few seconds, he lowered his head back down and turned his body more toward Enya. Still holding the lamb, he nodded his head with a gesture of offering so that she too could partake if she chose.


ooc. Caedwyn is a simp.

OOC Date: 09-10-2024, 01:14 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

It was interesting in how the lamb, upon seeing Caedwyn approaching, suddenly ceased it's loud bleating. It was almost like it could sense the atmosphere, the purpose of it's existence. It shifted uneasily, and yet as Caedwyn approached, not a single sound was uttered. Caedwyn stepped past her, brushing his coat against her own. Enya shivered as the intensity of the moment thrilled her to her core. Her heart beat faster as she turned herself to watch Caedwyn. She listened as he spoke to their Goddess, pronounced their devotion to her with their offering. She watched as her marrow moved with such strength, such precision, and before the lamb could even finish it's final cry, it was silenced and bled upon the alter between Caedwyn's jaws where he held the offering firmly in place, despite it's struggling. 

Only when the lamb ceased it's struggles did Enya's gaze finally shift from Caedwyn to the prey he held between his jaws. She watched, still, as he lifted the lamb upwards and towards the sky. It was no wonder Tsillah looked upon her follower so fondly. He, then and there in that moment, looked like the definition of Tsillah's beliefs and teachings. She regretted ever doubting his choices and decisions. There was so much she could learn from him, if only she would stop to watch and listen. 

When Caedwyn lowered his head with the lamb still in his grasp, Enya stepped forward but did not reach for the lamb. Instead, she looked down to the pool of blood between them. She lifted a paw and then dipped it into the red liquid. It was still warm, and it took all of her inner strength not to feast on the offering they had brought tonight. With her toes heavily coated, she lifted her paw up to Caedwyn's face. She made a mark from his forehead to his nose, then one under each eye, reapplying for each stroke. Then, gingerly, she traced the scars on his face. As she worked, she made another prayer to their Goddess, "Tsillah, bless us with the Will to push forward, with the courage to stand strong, and with bravery unmatched. In return, we will be your shepherds of the mortal realm. And, when the time comes to face you..." Finished with her work, she looked skywards once more, "We will be ready." 

A cold swift breeze suddenly gusted through the sinkhole, shaking the foliage that survived within the depression of the earth. It gusted exceptionally strong, pushing her fur in all directions and making her brace herself. Through the gust, she looked at Caedwyn, a look of wonder lighting her face. Then, just as quickly as the strong gust had came, it was gone. Once the leaves settled their rustling, silence settled across the sinkhole. 

Enya exploded with excitement, prancing and dancing around the alter and yipping happily as she did so. "Caedwyn!" She shouted to get his attention, even though she likely already had it, being that she was the only other thing here right now. She paused in her prancing-in-a-circle and stood ready for a fight. It was habitual to her at this point to fall into such a position when she felt this exhilarated. "I think that was a challenge. Don't you? She heard us. She saw you, standing there with the offering between your jaws. She saw you! She's proud of you." Enya was absolutely not a Seer, and yet she spoke her words with absolute confidence. "She liked my challenge, I think. I think she's eager to see the fight we give her." Enya's tongue flicked between her jaws. 

Was now the right time? She had been wanting to try something, but had been too shy to ask Caedwyn about it. With the energy in the air, and with the celebration... "Caedwyn," she started, a tinge of anxiety in her tone. She stepped towards him. "Have you ever flown before? Not in a dream. Really fly. With wings." She hoped the answer was no, and she prayed to Tsillah that the answer after that would be yes. "If you could, would you fly with me?" 

OOC Date: 09-13-2024, 04:17 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

His eyes followed her movements as she dipped a paw in the blood and he titled his head down slightly as she reached up at him. Motionless he stood while she traced markings in blood over his face, with utmost care and attention so he did not spoil her efforts with a careless movement. She recited a prayer and Caedwyn almost began to nod along in agreement, unthinking, before stopping himself and regained his efforts to hold still for Enya to finish her ritual. As she finished, an uncanny wind gusted through the cavern. The branches of the tree groaned and the vines hanging from the ledges above them swayed forcefully. Leaves and bits of grass flew up into the air as the wind circles around. His head jerked to the side with the suddenness of the wind to look, almost expecting to see the goddess herself approaching, as though she had caused the wind in response to Enya's recitation. He could hear little yips from her with excitement and his lips pulled back into a somewhat smile - though it was difficult given that he still had the lamb in his mouth.

"Caedwyn!" His head snapped back toward Enya when she shouted. The body of the lamb swung out to the side with the quick motion, splattering little bits of blood around where he stood. A challenge? Enya's voice seemed full of vigor and excitement. She said Tsillah was watching them! Caedwyn had no doubt that the goddess saw all things, but this seemed different. It seemed not only had the goddess seen it, but they had her attention. His tail began to wag and he took a couple bouncing steps toward Enya in excitement, nodding up and down (the body of the lamb flinging about, limp legs jostling like a ragdoll in his grip). That wind had to have meant something! It wasn't just a breeze and why else would it have come right when Enya's words to the goddess had finished? Yes, yes, yes! She was right. Tsillah was watching them.

"Caedwyn," He moved closer in anticipation, eagerly waiting for whatever she had to say. Her prayer had reached the goddess. Whatever came next, he was sure Tsillah would hear. He had to know, what mighty declaration for Tsillah would Enya proclaim. Tsillah would hear! His legs wiggled as he shifted his weight eagerly back and forth between each foot. Yes, call forth her power. It was all he could think as his ears flicked foward excitedly. ""Have you ever flown before? Not in a dream. Really fly. With wings." His shifting stopped quite suddenly at her statement. It had taken him by surprise. So much so, that his lips pursed a bit in thought and confusion. His jaw relaxed and the lamb dropped to the ground in front of him.

Flying? It was such an odd thing to ask. But, Caedwyn had to believe there was some reason. After all, she had just gained the attention of their goddess. His head tilted just slightly to the side with curiosity. Would he... fly with her? In fact, he had not flown before. And he couldn't say he'd seen Enya fly before either. She didn't have wings, but he'd known wolves to have wings that appeared only when their magic allowed them to fly. Perhaps all this time, Enya had been hiding wings from him? It was an incredulous thought. But he didn't have time to doubt her.

He wasn't afraid. And he definitely wasn't going to back down if Tsillah was watching them.

"I'd do anything," he said confidently. "... if you desire." But what exactly did she have in mind? Even if she could fly, how would Caedwyn fly?


OOC Date: 09-14-2024, 12:12 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Maybe it had been a bad time to ask. The excitement within Caedwyn matched her own as he danced on his paws with the lamb still between his jaws, that was, until she asked him her question. It seemed to have caught him so off guard, she noticed, as his facial expression changed from excited to confused. The lamb fell to the ground at his paws. Enya didn't let it linger there for long. She at last gripped the lamb in the same way Caedwyn had. She lifted it up, the weight heavy as she strained her neck, and placed it at the center of the alter. 

She returned to Caedwyn in time for him to answer her question. It was made with a proclamation to her. "I'd do anything if you desire." It gave Enya chills, hearing him declare himself once more to her. She knew he meant every bit of what he said. "Good" she said with a smirk, stepping backwards away from Caedwyn. She made a motion to keep space and continued to back up until she was a good bit of wolf lengths away from him. She looked upwards, then to the sky. "Tsillah, let us fly" she spoke out loud towards the sky. 

Her body began to glow in a soft green light. It became almost impossible to look at before, suddenly, the figure started to shift and change. Enya's figure grew large, larger, even larger yet. What was her head and neck reached out and elongated in a majestic curve with a pointed snout for a tip. Her tail grew yet longer than her neck did and it curled around her large figure in an elegant way. From her shoulders sprouted two draconic wings. The blinding light faded and standing there in all her glory was Enya, but as a dragon. With the glow dimmed down, the fans that ran along her neck and tail were apparent. They were flared upwards to emphasize her appearance. Her body still maintained it's reddish-brown coloration as a base color. She maintained her spots, and her teal transitioned from her belly to her fins and large portions of her wings. She sprouted two large horns on her head with a tiny third one on her nose. Her scaled eyebrows were still above her teal eyes. 

With the transformation complete, Enya turned her head towards Caedwyn. It wasn't often she shifted into her dragon shape. In fact, the last time she shifted was when she saved her daughter Arachne from the rockslide after the Akrasia of her history. She stepped forward on her four limbs and stretched her wings out wide. She then suddenly extended her neck and lifted her head to look upwards and loosed a dragon's breath of steam from within her. The steam particles twinkled in the air as the moonlight reflected off of the water particles. The breath hadn't been intentional and she was grateful she'd had enough time to divert the breath's direction. Even luckier that it looked pretty afterwards, almost intentional! 

"Caedwyn" she coo'd in her now dragon-toned voice. Speaking the common tongue was harder with her elongated face, but luckily enough the tongue was largely the same in both forms, so it helped significantly. There was a low rumble, however, that accompanied each syllable. "My Marrow. Fly with me." She approached him closer and gently lifted a claw to touch his chest. "Not on me. With me." She knew that he could copy powers. So, if he could copy her powers, then he could copy her morph, right? Surely Tsillah would blessed him with the Will to do so. 'No. That's not right. Tsillah won't bless him with the will to do so.' Tsillah would watch as Caedwyn himself found the Will to do so.  

Dragon Form
