Somewhere in the wind and snow, he could hear the distinct "cronch" of snow from footsteps as the girl followed him out into the wind. "You're a long way from the ocean," he said, his voice loud as the wind tried to take his voice away. It stung and bit at his face. He squinted, looking back at her when suddenly she exclaimed that he shouldn't be alarmed. Well. That definitely alarmed him. His straightened, his ears flicking forward for a moment - though only for a second, as he immediately regretted doing that when the wind immediately caught in his ears and stung them with cold snow. His ears immediately flipped back against his skull as he watched a gold light glow out from something she had retrieved from somewhere in her gear. He leaned in with curiosity.
It was a map! The marks were smudged and most of it he honestly couldn't read, but there to the northeast, there seemed to be some markings that looked like a rock formation. A cave? A ravine maybe? "What about there?" He lifted his paw and pointed with his claw to indicate the spot. Maybe if we get to the rocks, we can find something a little more out of the wind." He hardly paused before turning in that direction. "Come on, lets go. He trudged along as the snow began to grow deeper still and the wind was picking up. They needed to get out of this wind or they wouldn't be able to see which direction they were going at all.
The temperature of the air was dropping quicker with ever moment, sapping the strength out of Caedwyn's body. He pressed on with determination but he could quickly feel himself growing tired. There was a hill ahead with a few trees, though not enough to provide shelter. Maybe from up there they could see where the ravine was? He climbed the hill, pausing at the top. His breaths came in loud gasps as little puffs of breath steamed in the air. His eyes quickly scanned down the valley below. "Look.... (*puff puff*) ... over ... there," he said out of breath. It was a ways off yet, but in the distance he could see some rocky hills on the horizon.
"We can't stop now, the storm is still getting worse," He had barely gotten the words out of his mouth as he turned back to check that the girl was still close-by. In his distraction, his foot slipped on the steep slope and the slick snow gave way under him. With his strength already waning, his tumbled haphazardly to the bottom before sliding out across a thick sheet of ice that seemed oddly smooth under the snow.
Smooth ice... a wide expanse... Caedwyn had slid out onto a frozen river. Was the ice thick enough to support his weight?
Constitution Roll:
Fail: The snowstorm has sapped his strength. When he falls, he can't regain his footing and smacks his head on the way down, knocking him unconscious.
Success: he manages not to smack his head.
Constitution Roll:
Fail: The ice where he slides is too thin. He falls in the river.
Success: The ice is thick enough to support his weight.
Speech. |