Cerulean Cove
A cove of bright blue water. Along the shoreline, the tides have carved the rocks into inlets and pools where the tide catches. There are many caverns and rock formations to explore here. The tide can rise quickly, flooding many of the areas without warning. An excellent place for gathering shells or hunting crustaceans.
Blood in the water [AW]
OOC Date: 01-02-2025, 06:17 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/18/2024  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Other Feline
Build Adult Lean 13"
Health2 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 4
Constitution 2 Stealth 5
Deception 1 Strength 1
linked accounts
Delta wilted slightly at the wolf's dismissive grunt, struck with a strange, almost guilty embarrassment at the reminder at how different the two of them were. For a moment, sharing the ocean and Tsillah had made him feel so similar. He bit back an instinctual apology, dropping the subject and shuffling his fins back into the sand as he nodded in understanding. He hadn't realized until then how much he'd missed the meetings with his family, as rare as they had been, but he squashed the bittersweet thought at the next mention of their goddess. Wherever they were or however they'd ended, he knew they had done their best and that their time within the realm would one day begin anew.

Wasn't that the best one could hope for?

"Yes--I thought, ah, the ocean did. As a whole," he tapered off slightly towards the end, suddenly unsure of that idea now that the question had been asked. He'd never met someone who didn't believe in her, but then again, he'd also never met a wolf before. They really were different, even those with gills and fins. His curiosity only grew, wrestling against his natural instinct to flatten and hide as he leaned forwards slightly and tilted his head. "Do all not on land?"

It hit him then that he'd never asked the wolf's name, and another stab of anxiety flashed through his chest. He shuffled his paws, soothing himself with the sensation of soft sand sifting between his claws before instinctually looking back and forth through the water and flaring his whiskers to make sure there were no changes in the current around him. The actions were second nature to him now, a well rehearsed sequence as natural as breathing. It would be a shame after all if he was eaten during such an interesting conversation, but aside from that, the little cat couldn't deny that just doing the pattern in itself was self-soothing. Even if it looked somewhat strange.

Nerves soothed, curiosity returned to his dark gaze.

"What is your name, Wolf?" he hesitantly asked.
OOC Date: 01-07-2025, 05:10 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/18/2024  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Average 28"
Health7 Dexterity3
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 1
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3
linked accounts
Loch watched as Delta nodded uneasily. Had he been too abrupt with his words? He had been so talkative just a moment before, but as soon as the subject arose, he realized it struck a nerve. He really didn’t want to discuss his past—though it didn't matter much. The topic had been dropped, and the wolf found himself eagerly listening to the catfish’s next question. “Do not all on land?”

 Despite not knowing much about the topic of Ohr, Loch found this question a bit easier to answer. “No,” he replied, trying to recall what he knew about Tsillah’s opposing deity. “There are two kingdoms that claim the lands. Duskorna, as I mentioned, follows Tsillah, but we have an enemy who worships a god known as Ohr. I don’t know much about them, but I’ve heard they can be a bit troublesome. They call themselves Verdantis,” he explained. 

He noticed he felt a lot less anxious compared to the feline, and he couldn’t help but attempt to view the situation from their perspective. They were significantly smaller than he was, probably on the lookout for larger predators. It was strange being the larger of the pair. Loch could sympathize with them, knowing what it was like to be smaller and therefore seen as weaker. To help Delta feel more comfortable, he joined him in the sand. Though it wasn’t natural for him to do this, he meant it as a gesture to show he meant no harm. 

Delta’s next words made him realize he had completely forgotten to introduce himself, despite all his previous chatter. “Oh, my name is Loch,” he said. “Say, have you ever been on land before, catfish?”

OOC Date: 01-07-2025, 06:23 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/18/2024  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Other Feline
Build Adult Lean 13"
Health2 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 4
Constitution 2 Stealth 5
Deception 1 Strength 1
linked accounts
As the conversation veered away from that of the wolf's past, Delta realized that his tone notably lightened like that it had been before. A sore subject then; Delta would remember to not poke further. Even still, he couldn't stop himself from wondering, and hoping that it had not been too horrible for the stranger. He pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind before he found himself getting lost in them, and blinked with surprise at the wolf's statement of surface worship. The little cat had never heard of one not following Tsillah, and tilted his head as he continued to speak. At the mention of Ohr, his ears instinctually pulled backwards.

"Huh," Delta muttered, fear creeping into his voice, "I had never thought he'd be worshipped," at least, not in the water. He supposed it made more sense that land dwellers would seek his favor, but the thought of it still made his pelt crawl. Had the warnings of Ohr not made it deep enough to reach the abyss? Had it died in the shallows and shelves where his influence, despite Tsillah's efforts, was still at its strongest? "We were--it was told that, ah, he loved the land. And he grew jealous of water, where his light is scattered. He wanted us too, but he was so hot and bright, any water he touched would boil."

He shut his eyes, thinking back to when his sleek pelt had been fluffy and kit-soft, and he curled between his mother's paws. She'd told him this story then; the memory was hazy now, but the fear which stirred in his little heart still carried to this day. He'd seen it in her eyes then, and in the eyes of all the others before they went away. A pang of longing hit him then, and he tried to remember.

"So he tried to hold the water. He tried to take it all and keep us tight, and in his light we turned to steam. We boiled, but he was blind. He would not accept we could not love him, and he hurt us trying. Tsillah told us it was because he had not love for us, it was greed. If he loved, he would not make us something we were not. Her rage washed him away, and the blood she spilt from him, she covered in darkness--so we could swim and be safe again under her."

Delta finished, and noted with some surprise that he hadn't noticed the wolf laying down beside him as he recited bits of the old tale. He should have been startled, but strangely? He wasn't. It was nice having him lay down at his level, and Delta found himself relaxing again. Loch, he introduced himself as, and Delta gave a small smile. 

"Loch. It is good to meet you," he said. Loch's next question caused him to furrow his brow, expression settling back into its perpetual worry as he instinctually looked upwards at the distant sunlight hitting the surface. "Ah--um, not much. I have looked. Laid on the bank once," he didn't mention the time something had scooped him from the water and nearly eaten him; he was in the air most of the time then. The very few times he had stepped on land had been unpleasant, his fins felt heavy and ungainly, and his stumpy legs made it impossible to keep his muzzle out of the grass and mud. He'd only crawled around the banks then, and had never dared to make it further than a few strides from the water's edge. "Have you?"
OOC Date: 01-07-2025, 08:49 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/18/2024  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Average 28"
Health7 Dexterity3
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 1
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3
linked accounts
Loch would continue to listen as Delta spoke, still lying in the sand; it felt strange but somehow comforting to be surrounded by the grainy terrain.  “I had never thought he’d be worshipped,” Loch would cock his head as Delta tolled the story that had been passed down in his family.

“I’ve never heard of that one,” He’d admit.  It somehow made sense, though, as he pondered it.  “The more I learn of Tsillah, the more I am proud to be a part of a kingdom that follows her teachings.” He had to admit. 

Delta then revealed that he had never ventured beyond the banks. This made Loch think back to the first time he had set foot on land. “Well, I will have to travel to the banks to head back home. You are welcome to join me if you wish,” he invited the feline. It was nice to finally have some company, but he could tell, even from the water, that the sky was getting darker, and he should soon head back to Duskorna. 

Part of him didn’t want to leave. It was calming here in the ocean, but he needed some form of companionship and structure in his life, and Duskorna offered him that at the very least; maybe if he could get to know more of the members who called it home, he would be more comfortable. 

He’d look back at the feline, giving them a friendly blink. “You can come with me as far as you like, but I’m afraid I cannot stay here much longer.”

OOC Date: 01-09-2025, 03:57 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/18/2024  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Other Feline
Build Adult Lean 13"
Health2 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 4
Constitution 2 Stealth 5
Deception 1 Strength 1
linked accounts
Delta had never thought of joining a kingdom before; the pull of following the currents was far too strong to keep himself tethered to one territory, but Loch's musings on Dusknora made him strangely homesick. He almost wanted to ask more, but pricked his ears instead at Loch's offer to follow. So they would have to leave the water to get there?

A stubborn, fearful part of him wanted to resist, but he liked speaking to Loch. It had been so long since he'd spent time with another from the water, for just a little while perhaps, he could put up with the discomfort of the land to continue it? He followed the wolf's gaze upwards and watched as the light dappling the water's surface ebbed and faded to oranges and reds, and blinked with surprise at how quickly the time had passed. He gnawed at the inside of his cheek, weighing the choice between remaining stuck to the ocean floor or dragging himself ashore with Loch.

His choice was cemented when the wolf spoke again, and hesitantly, Delta steeled his resolve and nodded. 

"Yes--alright. I'd like to, please," Delta meowed, wrestling the instinct to bury himself further into the sand where it was safe and dark and he didn't have to walk. "Ah, is there a river near the territory? Outside? I could stop there. I do not want to trespass."

The little cat sucked a deep breath through his gills before pushing himself off the sand with a flap of his fins, anxious energy buzzing beneath his fur as he looked upwards again towards the distant surface. As frightening as the idea seemed to get so far from the water, he would follow Loch.
OOC Date: 01-15-2025, 07:23 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/18/2024  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Average 28"
Health7 Dexterity3
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 1
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3
linked accounts
The fading sunlight continued to shimmer through the water, and Loch was fixated on it  as he listened to Delta speak. “Yes, alright. I’d like to, please,” He’d give the feline a quick nod before flicking his tail and swimming upward toward the surface. However, he paused as the catfish continued with a question. “Ah, is there a river near the territory? Outside? I don’t want to trespass.” He glanced back down at the feline.

“There is a river that travels all the way back to Duskornas territory, but we would be heading upstream. I think it would be easier to walk rather than swim,” he admitted. “You don’t have to come far if you don’t want to, but if you’re an adventurer like I am, it might be nice to explore the area.” Loch lifted his gaze once more to the surface, recalling what he had observed on the route he took to get here. He had been swimming then and admitted to himself that he hadn’t been paying much attention to the scenery. No matter; all they had to do was follow the river, and they would be heading in the right direction.

“Don’t worry, I’ll let you know when we’re getting close to the border so you can start heading back,” he said before swimming upward. With a powerful stroke of his tail, Loch shot up towards the surface. He peeked above the water, scanning for the place the river fed into the ocean. The first colors of the setting sun were beginning to appear, casting warm hues that reflected on the water in a dazzling display. Finally, he spotted it. “This way,” he called, glancing back to check if Delta was keeping pace.

OOC Date: Yesterday, 04:16 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/18/2024  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Other Feline
Build Adult Lean 13"
Health2 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 4
Constitution 2 Stealth 5
Deception 1 Strength 1
linked accounts
The reminder of the river soothed his worries somewhat. Once he'd walked to the border, he could simply swim his way back from there. Or even continue upstream; although Delta envied the beauty of Loch's flowing fins, he could only imagine how strange it would feel to have them pulled and battered by an opposing current. If the river ever grew too strong, it was easy for the little cat to simply flatten himself to the ground and allow the water to rush above him instead. He gave a small nod to the wolf's explanation, and a small part of him preened at the idea of being an adventurer.

"Yes. Alright," he meowed, watching as Loch gracefully shot upwards through the water. He hesitated for a short moment before taking another breath and following, flapping his flat fins against the water as it grew warmer and lighter with the rays of sunset. Anxiety churned at his belly the higher he swam; without the seafloor against his belly, open water surrounded him from every side and offered countless new opportunities for predators to attack. he kept his whiskers splayed and dark eyes roving, making sure for perhaps the dozenth time that nothing was coming for him before he too poked his head above the water.

It was bright. Delta swallowed a hiss and squinted against the reddish light, blinking rapidly until the membrane covering his eyes receded and his pupils adjusted to the sky. And pretty, he thought with mild surprise, watching purple clouds overhead slink across the vibrant sky where speckles of starlight began to shine through. He opened his mouth and let out a gurgling compliment to the scenery, but with his lungs still full of water, it was unintelligible above the surface. He nearly missed Loch beginning to paddle away, jolting from his awed stupor and nodding vigorously at his call as he tore his gaze away from the clouds above.

Swimming on the surface felt different. If he kept himself buoyed, Delta felt the uncomfortable warm prickle of the fur along his spine and fin-tops drying. He settled for an awkward half-above half-below approach, swimming after Loch with only his eyes and ears above the water like a particularly nervous looking caiman. He gritted his teeth as the ocean floor sloped upwards to meet his paws, his sensation of weightlessness beginning to fade as he slunk clumsily from the water and felt the full weight of his fins and tail press down against his stumpy legs. He made a strange noise, half hiss and half gurgle, before water streamed and sputtered from his nostrils and gills. Unless he wanted to suffocate, it was necessary to force all the water from his lungs before a breath of air was taken.

He coughed and sputtered wetly, though the fit certainly looked much worse than it felt. The first breath he took was sharp and short, punctuated by another bout of wheezing and hacking until his body remembered how to process the strange, dry air. 

"Sorry," he grunted, slinking further onto the sand and not bothering to shake the wetness from his pelt. He focused on breathing in and out, slowly remembering the rhythm and feeling his body adjust as his heart slowed again. "It's, ah--I have to remember how," he gave a few more focused breaths before clearing his throat, sagging in relief as he felt his lungs take control of themselves again. He looked towards Loch again, slowly stretching out his legs and feeling the strange sensation of having to push upwards against gravity. "Which direction?"
OOC Date: 8 hours ago
IC THREAD DATE: 09/18/2024  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Average 28"
Health7 Dexterity3
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 1
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3
linked accounts
Once Loch spotted Delta close behind, he raced in the direction of the river. With his large fins, he was naturally fast, but it seemed the smaller feline had no issue keeping pace. Eventually, Loch hauled himself out of the water and saw the feline doing the same beside him. He shook his fur, sending droplets of salty water flying everywhere, only to look back and find Delta struggling with the transition, coughing up water as he adjusted to breathing air.

"You alright there?" Loch asked, giving the feline a nervous look. "You said you’ve been on land before, right?” He found himself questioning Delta, anxious that maybe the feline had fibbed and wasn't really adapted for life beyond the sea.

Sure enough, the coughing fit passed, and Loch felt himself relax a bit. "Which direction?" he heard Delta ask. Streams of fresh water wound around them, creating a large muddy area where they now stood. The streams led upward, disappearing beyond a line of thick trees just ahead. Loch pointed his snout toward them. “That way,” he said, taking a few steps forward. Mud clung to his ankles, and he felt it building with each step. Even though he had just started the trek back, he was already daydreaming about reaching the lake, where he could clean himself off and rest. There was still a long way to go, however.

As he walked, Loch stepped on something hard in the sand. “Huh,” he muttered, beginning to dig a bit and uncovering a shell buried just beneath the surface. He picked it up to examine it. It was small and cracked—not good for his hoard of treasures. Still, he figured there might be some valuables around that would be worth keeping.

“Hey, catfish!” While Loch knew the feline’s name, he still found himself resorting to the nickname he had come up with. “If you find any nice shells, hand them over this way, okay? I’ll take them as payment for the fish I caught you earlier.” He continued forward, keeping his pace slow and eyeing the ground for anything else of interest. Might as well find them now, since there would be less chance of discovering such shells once they got further up the river.