A small mountain range known for its black colored rocks and mineral ore deposits. Many mining caves have been dug through the mountain but not all of these are safe. Bears and mountain lions guard the hills and many unsafe tunnels collapse without warning.
Caedwyn travelled deeper into the tunnels, using his magic to call forth a tiny ball of flame that hovered just ahead of where they were walking to light the path ahead. He could tell after a few moments that they had travelled deep into the mountains. The dirt had turned to mostly stone and soon tiny crystals began to dot the walls and ceiling. They glowed brilliantly, like little shining stars. At one point, Caedwyn paused, standing on his hind legs and lifted up to place his paws on the side of the tunnel. "We should take some of these," he said. "I'm sure one of our Artisans can find use for them." He used his claws to dig at the wall until several crystals had broken free. Caedwyn took a moment to store them away in his own knapsack before giving a nod to Eon that they should continue.
The next tunnel dipped more downward into a steeper slope and Caedwyn travelled carefully, though the rocky nature of the tunnel made it easy to slip and slide as they descended. Finally the tunnel began to open into a more open cavern. Pillars of stalactites hung from the ceiling and moisture dripped down into a pool of water at the bottom of the cavern. "Woah," Caedwyn whispered in astonishment as he looked around, his voice echoing back softly in the chamber.
It was at that moment that a low echoing hiss resonated around the chamber.
Caedwyn jumped to attention. "Look out! There's something up ahead." He alerted, his eyes darting around for the source. The acoustics of the chamber made it hard to pinpoint the location exactly. His eyes scanned the ground and then the walls and then ... "There! He barked, motioning up to the ceiling in front of them. It's shiny body reflected in the light of Caedwyn's fire, giving shape to its form in the dark. "Quick, we can surprise it before it gets away!" Caedwyn jumped forward, calling forth another ball of fire which went hurling up to the ceiling and crashing into the beast. "I'll try to distract it so you can get an opening!" He continued running forward, then to the side, barking loudly in hopes of drawing the beasts attention.
Roll 1: Fireball
Success: -1hp
Fail: its shell is too thick. no damage.
Roll 2: Charisma
Success: his barks draw the centipedes attention and distracts it. Eon can get a +1 to his attack roll
Fail: centipede is not distracted. no effect.
Character Diceroll 1: Success Diceroll must be above 500 to be successful.
0 was added for Dexterity.
575 was added for Level 3.
0 was added for A. No Enchantment.
0 was added for A. No Buff / Penalty.
Character Diceroll 2: Success Diceroll must be above 500 to be successful.
0 was added for Charisma.
507 was added for Level 3.
0 was added for A. No Enchantment.
0 was added for A. No Buff / Penalty.
Eon looked back at Caedwyn, noticing that he seemed just as captivated by the place as he was during his first visit. Although he was eager to find the creature again, Eon struggled not to become entranced by the caves once more. The glow from their lights reflected off the water pools, and Eon couldn’t help but watch it dance with every droplet that hit the surface. He would have loved to observe it, but an eerie feeling crept over him as he recalled the large colony of bats that had caught him completely off guard last time. What he hadn’t expected was to hear the centipede right away. The sounds of its movements across the stone walls sent shivers down his spine, and he froze. “Look out! There’s something up ahead.” The monarch's voice redirected his focus. The light from his fire flickered off the creature’s body. “Quick, we can surprise it before it gets away!”
Eon nodded, immediately summoning his wisps to his side. He intended to have them orbit in a circular motion to distract the arthropod while he listened to the monarch’s plan. “I’ll try to distract it so you can get an opening!” Eon winced. Not that plan!
He was used to being the one to create distractions—not that he’d ever admit it, especially not while they were actively engaged in battle. Caedwyn’s barks echoed through the caves. If Eon hadn’t been nervous before, he was now. What if the noise attracted more creatures? What if something more terrifying than the centipede lurked deeper in the cave? He didn’t have time to ponder the "what ifs," did he? His best option now was to throw the heated lights towards the creature.
Thankfully, it seemed Caedwyn’s plan had worked. The centipede was distracted, allowing Eon to aim for the beast's weak point. Although he didn’t know much about centipedes, he knew that every creature with eyes had a vulnerability. Eon hurled a ball of burning light towards the front of the beast, hoping to temporarily blind it before diving in to bite it.
HP: 5/5
Arcana Roll: The Lights temporarily blind the centipede for -1 on its next attack roll.
Strength roll: Eon is able to hit bite the centipede for -1 damage.
Character Diceroll 1: Success Diceroll must be above 500 to be successful.
0 was added for Arcana.
581 was added for Level 4.
0 was added for A. No Enchantment.
0 was added for A. No Buff / Penalty.
Character Diceroll 2: Success Diceroll must be above 500 to be successful.
0 was added for Strength.
534 was added for Level 2.
0 was added for A. No Enchantment.
0 was added for A. No Buff / Penalty.
The centipede's curiosity had gotten the better of it. The wolves were quick to attack, and a hurling ball of flames hit it. It screeched and started to chase the barking canid, only to allow an opening for the second wolf to attack. as bright lights would leave it blind, and only able to sense the wolves by sound. It didn't have time to react before its back was peirced by fangs that just barely penatrted its shell.
The pain alerted the creature to the position of the small wolf, causing it to spit a burning venom in that direction. It then began thrashing about, aiming for the larger wolf it had seen, hoping to hit him with its massive body.
HP: 6/8
Medicine roll: The venom hits Eon for -1 damage
Strength roll: The centipede can hit Caedwyn for -1 damage
Character Diceroll 2: Success Diceroll must be above 500 to be successful.
0 was added for Medicine.
506 was added for Level 4.
0 was added for A. No Enchantment.
0 was added for A. No Buff / Penalty.
NPC Diceroll 1: Success Diceroll must be above 500 to be successful.
0 was added for Strength.
506 was added for Level 3.
0 was added for A. No Enchantment.
0 was added for A. No Buff / Penalty.
Excellent! The centipede's attention seemed to be focused on him, allowing Eon a chance to go in for an attack. Caedwyn watched as orbs flew over to the centipede and Eon followed through with an attack. Caedwyn let a smile come to his maw as he watched, please with the abilities of his Noble. He'd realized he'd never seen Eon fight before now. This was a perfect opportunity for them to test their skills together in battle! But the centipede wasn't going to make it easy on them it seemed. Caedwyn let himself get distracted watching Eon that he was caught a little off-guard when the beast hurled its body like a rope, whipping its weight into him. It crashed into him, its weight knocking him back off his feet as he went sliding down into the rocky ground and let out a loud "oomf" noise in pain.
Caedwyn scrambled back up to his feet, not wanting to be caught in a vulnerable situation on the ground. But at least now the centipede was in striking distance. He lunged forward, aiming for one of its many legs. He snapped his jaws down on hit hard, giving a strong tug as he pulled back. As he bit down, he let his magic flow into his bite - mimicking the toxic venom the centipede had released. The venom flowed out from his mouth as he bit down, poisoning the centipede.
Roll 1 Strength:
Success: Rips the centipede leg off. -1hp
Fail: Bites it but its shell is too hard and he slides off it
Roll 2: Mimic Spell (mimicking venom) Medicine Roll
Success: -1hp
Fail: centipede resists
Character Diceroll 1: Success Diceroll must be above 500 to be successful.
0 was added for Strength.
575 was added for Level 3.
0 was added for A. No Enchantment.
0 was added for A. No Buff / Penalty.
Character Diceroll 2: Success Diceroll must be above 500 to be successful.
0 was added for Medicine.
538 was added for Level 1.
0 was added for A. No Enchantment.
0 was added for A. No Buff / Penalty.
His bite had managed to break through the centipede’s shell, but had he been too reckless? Without a chance to distance himself from the giant arthropod, it had spit in his direction. The venom burned him upon contact, making him lose control of his flight and stumble to the ground. He’d wince, but he knew this fight wasn’t quite over. He had to push through the pain and collect his thoughts. He was alerted to the sound of ruckus just ahead of him and knew Caedwyn was still engaged in battle just beyond the shadows.
He could feel the pain burning in his body, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to rush into the scene as recklessly as he had before. Pulling himself into a standing position, Eon would begin to summon a psychic blast. If it were successful, the centipede would become overpowered by a mental pain that would confuse it.
He stretched his wings, giving them a good flap to ensure they weren’t too injured to take flight before he took off again. He could make out the silhouettes of Ceadwyn and the centipede and watched as Caedwyn was able to tear off one of its legs. Thank tsillah, it seemed the two of them just might be able to overpower the thing.
Eon attempted to remain out of reach, but the stalactites made it hard for him to maneuver in his usual intricate patterning. Upon almost slamming into one, he was struck with an idea. Positioned just above the centipede was a pillar, perhaps if he acted carefully -
“Take cover!” he shouted at Caedwyn, warning him to move out of the area before he proceeded. He then used his vocals to send a vibration through the area, powering it with his siren song and hoping to send the stalactite above the beast plummeting down upon it.
Health: 4/5
Roll 1 - Charisma:
Success: The centipede is hit with a psychic blast, lowering its next roll
Fail: Eon is not able to conjure the blast and Nothing happens
Roll 2 - Arcana:
Success: The centipede is hit by the falling rocks for -1hp
Fail: The centipede is able to move out of the way
Character Diceroll 1: Success Diceroll must be above 500 to be successful.
0 was added for Charisma.
571 was added for Level 4.
0 was added for A. No Enchantment.
0 was added for A. No Buff / Penalty.
Character Diceroll 2: Success Diceroll must be above 500 to be successful.
0 was added for Arcana.
543 was added for Level 4.
0 was added for A. No Enchantment.
0 was added for A. No Buff / Penalty.