Reed nodded at Larkspur's acknowledgment that though they might go thirsty, at least their stomachs might end up full. She began to imagine the various sorts of creatures they could find. There were always fish to consider, but she focused more on the critters that made the wet shore their home, living neither on land nor in water entirely. Crustaceans were always delicious even if it often times took more energy to catch them than what they provided their hunter. Then there were the various birds that hunted the shores. There could also be clams or muscles buried beneath the surface.
The tilting of Larkspur's head caught her attention and she watched as Larkspur scented the air. She lifted her head up and sniffed as well, but her nose searched for the odor of Balthazar instead of searching for the tell-tale scent of ocean. It was when Larkspur declared that the water was freshwater that she bothered to pay attention to it. Well, that ruled out the potential of finding tide pools, but she was confident there would be muscles aplenty if they searched hard enough. "Well, sounds like we've got our headin' then." She turned to toss a smile at Larkspur, then stepped over the edge to begin their descent.
Naturally, Reed picked up the conversation with Larkspur again. "About Balthazar, it's not so much a certain type of land he prefers, but rather is out at night instead of durin' the day. That's why we make such a great sailin' pair! He sleeps durin' the day while I captain, then he captain's while I sleep durin' the night. Though, I suppose with that bein' said, if there were a sort of land he prefers, it's probably the beaches or coastal areas, since he knows that's where I'd be lookin' for him." She'd searched and searched and walked and walked, trying to follow the coasts, rivers, and anything in-between. Her head told her that the most logical place he might be was back on the beach where their ship had crashed, but her heart told her that there was magic everywhere. He could have been poofed away before his paws even touched land. After all, look what had happened to her just today! "So since we marked water off the list, which means we can mark food off the list here soon too, what sort of place do you prefer for sleepin'? Do you like a nice burrow, or maybe shelter under a dense bunch of foliage or..." where would a wolf with wings want to sleep? "I mean I'm sure we can figure out how to get ya up into a tree, too, if ya wanted." It hadn't dawned on Reed that there weren't any trees in the area.