With the days slowly becoming shorter and the nights becoming cooler, thoughts of migration kept entering the back of Trisdi’s mind. The shallower, cooler waters of the geysers were more like hot springs that kept her warm, but that fact wouldn’t help her when it came to the incoming winter weather. Just because she had spent a good amount of time living in these lands, that didn’t mean it was her home. It wasn’t like she was used to having one of those for long, anyway, so why worry?
While she was here, however, Tris was going to enjoy it. A small smile graced her face as she stepped into the “cooler” pond she had claimed for herself weeks before. It was close enough to the geyser to maintain its heat year-round but was far enough away that it wouldn’t burn her skin. She settled into her usual dozing spot and sighed in contentment. This would be something she’d miss when she migrated south - the combination of the hot spring and the crisp, cool breeze, that is.
Her days in the land of the geysers in the past few months were relaxing, sure, but there weren’t many others that she interacted with outside of the occasional vagrant here and there. She had met that lion only a few days ago, after all. But Tris was a social creature. No matter how relaxed and carefree she was here, she was finding herself bored more easily. Perhaps the days growing shorter was for the better… it was forcing her to move to warmer climates and find some new entertainment. But until then? Tris was more than happy to lounge in her very own, personal hot spring.
Walk "Speak" Magic
for Loch
image by WatermelonCreature on dA
for Loch
image by WatermelonCreature on dA