Berry Wine! Wine wasn't something that Reed chased after when she found herself ashore, but she wouldn't turn the drink down either. It wasn't no rum, but drink was drink! When Qunnat answered her question, Reed's smile faltered briefly and she looked at him with curiosity. What did he mean his travels had been mostly without a choice? There was only one time that Reed could think of where she had traveled against her own will. It was the time when she had awaken at the bottom of a ship wreck after having fought in that awful war. She had hardly been a year old at that time.
Reed opened her mouth to inquire further but before she had come to that decision, Quinn was pointing up an incline. Reed followed along behind him and paused as he started to poke around a tree with a broken limb. What could he be hunting in such a way? This didn't look like some storage house or market stall, either. When he revealed his prize with an A-ha! Reed lifted her head, both startled and surprised at what she saw. Did he just catch a muskrat just like that? He must be the most incredible hunter to ever exist! As he trotted towards her with the prize between his jaws, Reed started at him with astonishment, jaw open and all.
"Wow!" she exclaimed as he further closed the distance between them and dropped the meal at her paws. Her head slowly looked down at the meal, then back up at Quinnat. "More like amazing! You're spectacular! I didn't even see it run! What did you do? Did you hypnotize it? Freeze it in place with some sort of magic? How did you even know it was there!" He inquired about her telling him one of her stories and her head nodded aggressively to him multiple times, her dreads flopping each way with the movement. "Of course! After witnessing such an amazing display of hunting skills, it's only right that I pay my debt with a story! Now lets see... which one should I tell..." A paw came up to Reed's chin as she thought to herself. "Hmmmmmmmm" Her lips pursed (well, did the equivalent as closely as what a wolf could do to purse their lips) as she continued to flip through the thousands of experiences she had stored up in her head. "Ok ok ok, I've got three of 'em in mind. I've got the story of the Kraken, I've got the story of The Ice Tear, and I've got the story of Ghost I can tell ya. You pick which one you want, ok?"