Emerald Grove
A hilly terrain covered by deciduous forest. Creeks cut between the hills. The tall forest reaches upward and underneath, ferns cover the ground.
[P] Rat's Nest
OOC Date: 2 hours ago
IC THREAD DATE: 09/05/2024  in  Emerald Grove  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1
Well, this was a stupid idea.

Eon had dipped into the nearby river without much thought, hoping to wash his fur. He hadn’t anticipated just how cold the water would be. Just days prior, the temperature was much warmer, but the chilly breezes announced the coming of much colder weather on the horizon. Holding his breath, the small canid had pushed his way into the cold river, only to regret it moments later. Now, he was stuck in a predicament. Did he get out and find a warm patch of sunshine to dry off beneath, or did he suck it up and stay where he was. Taking a startled breath, Eon sat in the water and groomed his fur. He was already here and wet; returning now would be a waste. He was, however, quickly distracted by a rustling of leaves on the opposing river bank.

On alert now, he would look up and quickly smell the air. It wasn’t anyone he recognized, but whoever it was carried an unmistakable Duskorna scent. He’d bring himself to a standing position and watch as a Dusty-colored wolf revealed themselves. Curious, Eon padded over. The water remained shallow enough that he could wade through without needing to swim.  As he got closer, he noticed she was carrying some wicker cage. Sniffing the air once more, he could pick up the scent of rats. Confused, he’d pull himself even closer. What the heck was she doing with a cage full of rats?  Were they pets?

“You need help?” Eon decided to shout out to alert his presence. He could see now the cage was indeed full of rats, but they weren't alive.  It appeared their corpses were left half-eaten, and for her sake, he hoped they weren’t her pets.