Emerald Grove
A hilly terrain covered by deciduous forest. Creeks cut between the hills. The tall forest reaches upward and underneath, ferns cover the ground.
[P] Rat's Nest
OOC Date: 7 hours ago
IC THREAD DATE: 09/05/2024  in  Emerald Grove  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Average 37"
Health5 Dexterity2
Arcana 3 Medicine 4
Charisma 4 Perception 1
Constitution 1 Stealth 1
Deception 3 Strength 1

Sometimes things go really right, and sometimes they go really wrong.

Ceartas had gone to check up on her colony of lab rats, expecting them to all be alive and healthy. What she found was the opposite of that. In the night, some predator had managed to track and find where she'd hidden them, broken into their pen and ate them where they rested, leaving nothing but a bunch of half-eaten corpses. They couldn't have even bothered to at least finish off the bodies; it was as if the creature was overwhelmed with choice and decided to just eat a little bit of everything.

A few rats had survived, miraculously, and some others had escaped - she could tell because she knew the exact amount of rodents she had. The injured ones were given a merciful, quick death. It would be much easier to acquire new ones than to heal the ones she had. And all the bodies she placed inside a wicker cage. The cage was lightweight enough and had a handle on the top that she could easily grab onto with her jaws. A simple turn-based hinge allowed her to lock and unlock the opening at the top, making it easy for her to just sweep the corpses up into the basket. She would have to thoroughly clean the area, starting with disposing of the bodies far enough away that it wouldn't attract any unwanted visitors.

This is what she did now. Grasping onto the cage with her mouth, she made in the general direction of the river. The weather this morning brought with it a somewhat chilly breeze, but the sun that occasionally peaked through the clouds often brief moments of warmth.