Ancient Ruins
An ancient city of stone buildings lies hidden between hills and trees. Destroyed and toppled by some unknown disaster and the ages of time, now this place is a maze to be explored.
[AW] Toppled Lives
OOC Date: Yesterday, 02:37 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 08/09/2024  in  Ancient Ruins  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 26"
Health6 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 4 Perception 2
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3

With a flourish and a practiced landing, Reed caught the cutlass between her jaws and struck up her heroic pose once more. Even without a breeze, her dreads seemed to drift out behind her like they were being tugged by wind (except it wasn't wind. It was her using her telekinesis to make it look like wind). She imagined ooos and ahhhhs and others cheering for her, thanking her for saving them all once more from those evil foul beasts that roamed the lands. Of course, that was all in her head.  

When the lion smiled and bowed his head, Reed relaxed herself. She returned his bow with one of her own, tilting her head and averting her eyes. "'Aye it's a pleasure to meet ya Matthias. I've met some others in a Kingdom here. You just happened to find a washed up swashbuckler first." A merchant! She immediately wondered what he had available but restrained herself from asking. There were multiplying lizards to slay, after all! Slaying first, shiny neat objects later. Matthias stepped away from the cub slightly who eagerly introduced herself as Roxanne. The excitement in the cub's eyes filled Reed with her own excitement. She remembered being that young and craving adventure. Matthias inquired which way the lizards went and Roxanne was eager to pick a direction and run. 

Reed made room for Matthias to pursue Roxanne. She didn't dare get between the child and her guardian. By now, just with the brief exchange between the two adults and how he acted, she believed that he was no danger to the child. It wasn't too long before suddenly up ahead a large iguana like creature skittered across the pathway ahead. "There!" Reed suddenly shouted to draw their attention to the creature. "Great job Roxanne!" She turned towards Matthias and waited for him to spring into action first. If he was her guardian, then he should be the hero, and her the backup. "I'll have your back, Matthias. Don't you worry." Then she winked and readied herself. "You won't stand a chance, Duplispozards!" 

Footnote: Duplispozards is pronounced by combining duplicate, spot, lizards - duplispozards!