As Shifty collapsed to the ground the black closing in on the peripheral vision, he might have heard someone speaking. Or rather taunting, why would anyone be taunting him when he clearly just battled the rampaging river? And his vision goes to black. Next thing he knew was he felt this power leach into him and revive him. Shifty slowly opened his eyes gazing upon an interesting looking wolf snake hybrid beast. Coughing up a little bit of blood with the metallic iron taste. "Were you taunting me? Even after I nearly drowned in a river. I dont know how to take your *jab* at me, either you're to weak take on any real foe by coming after a half beaten individual like myself or judging by your stance you're expecting a fight." Shifty wasnt in the mood to fight so whatever this beast was gonna do he wasnt going to be able to stop...Her. After a quick up and down of her physique. "Where am I? More importantly Who are you? And *cough* bleh sorry i think my rib is broken from the current slamming me into a boulder. Im Shifty." --- Speech. |
A river valley between two mountain ranges. A powerful river flows through rocky terrain, creating strong currents and dangerous rapids. Precious gold ore can be found in the river for those brave enough. The forests surrounding abound with life.
[AW] Just a refreshing swim? [TRESPASS]