Flowery Fields
A large meadow grassland surrounded by forests. Rolling hills are covered most of the year in tall grasses and flowers of every color. Large herds of buffalo can be found migrating most of the year.
In Between the Flower Stems
OOC Date: Yesterday, 02:41 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/09/2024  in  Flowery Fields  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 46"
Health7 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 1
Constitution 4 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4
not me forgetting to put his accent into the last post smh

"Nice to meet you, Dos," he says, both tails wagging briefly, "It takes a while if you don't use magic, but magicless is ze way I learned how to do it." he purposefully neglects to mention it was his sister who'd taught him that, sending a brief pang of sadness he kept inside, " You Cut away ze meat and vat off ze skin, clean it, let it dry, dip it in a... pre-ser-va-tive, dry it again, stretch it, and smoke it. you don't have to smoke it if you don't intend to get it wet. ze process becomes quite easy after a vhile, and it's vorth it for a vur zat can last you years," when he'd finished explaining it, he got back to work on cutting away the skin from the rabbit, occasionally using his claws to cut skin from meat. the result was a deskinned rabbit, it's meat and muscle perfectly exposed, the only remaining fur being that on its head and extremities. Gabriel lays the pelt fur-down, and re-positions himself back into a sit. He licks his lips of the taste of blood on his teeth, simultaneously looking around the area casually. Then, he begins to clean his claws of the rabbit's blood, "I vill make a gift vor you. is zere something you vant made vrom zis, or shall I surprise you?" it was the least he could do for making dos wait even longer to eat, and he figures a gift would be a good way to foster a bond between the two verdantis members.