Rainbow Hills
A rolling landscape of hills and valleys. Various mineral deposits here have turned the soil into a kaleidoscope of colors.
Mandatory Spa Day [Open]
OOC Date: 09-14-2024, 05:10 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/13/2024  in  Rainbow Hills  —  
Species Nonbinary Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 29"
Health7 Dexterity1
Arcana 2 Medicine 3
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 1
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Larkspur took a moment, giving a fierce flutter of her wings with the intent of shedding the next set of her damaged feathers. The broken, smothered feathers went spiraling to the ground at her paws. She sighed, holding out her right wing while inspecting the bald patches - rain could really ruin a good day for any feathered beings. At least the place she had glided to was full of more than enough sand for the several consecutive dust-baths her wings and fur were going to need to spread the now washed away oils around again. It's going to be such an itchy series of days while the pinfeathers grow in, and she works through any water parasites clinging to her pelt.

The wolf released a sigh, sinking down onto the glittering stones with her wings splayed out around her. She'd been preening for a while now, an hour she thinks, so she could afford a little break. Besides, the fleetingly warm sunlight beaming down on her sore wings was a nice feeling.

"I wish I could just... magic my coat clean," she grumbled to herself, her thick tail giving a fierce swish that knocked a series of rocks and pebbles down the side of the mountain. The large she-wolf extended her forelegs, arching her back towards the sky and loosening her muscles before sinking her claws into the rocky earth. It wasn't easy, but her belly was a bit rubbed raw from essentially being dragged across the bottom of the river during the flood and the following rough landing from escaping the fire-lands while her wings were matted and messy.

She grunted a little as she started channeling her power, forcing a bit of mountain moss to begin sprouting from the earth before her. It was a bit difficult, the stone naturally resisting the roots attempting to take form but eventually it settled. Tiny, pink flowers appeared in the thick, tangled mass of moss - mountain campione. As soon as it appeared, she sank back down in the bed of moss with a soft little pleased sigh.

Cobalt blue eyes cracked back open as a shadow fell across her, blocking her sunlight.

"Unless you can start glowing, it'd be nice if you could move out of my sun," she grumbled, adjusting her wings as a reflexive shiver ran through her.

