Sinkhole Abyss
A giant cave system that stretches deep underground, formed by an ancient sinkhole. The cave is like a honeycomb, with layer upon layer going deeper and large openings to the sky above.
For Her Eyes Only [p][m]
OOC Date: 09-14-2024, 12:12 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Maybe it had been a bad time to ask. The excitement within Caedwyn matched her own as he danced on his paws with the lamb still between his jaws, that was, until she asked him her question. It seemed to have caught him so off guard, she noticed, as his facial expression changed from excited to confused. The lamb fell to the ground at his paws. Enya didn't let it linger there for long. She at last gripped the lamb in the same way Caedwyn had. She lifted it up, the weight heavy as she strained her neck, and placed it at the center of the alter. 

She returned to Caedwyn in time for him to answer her question. It was made with a proclamation to her. "I'd do anything if you desire." It gave Enya chills, hearing him declare himself once more to her. She knew he meant every bit of what he said. "Good" she said with a smirk, stepping backwards away from Caedwyn. She made a motion to keep space and continued to back up until she was a good bit of wolf lengths away from him. She looked upwards, then to the sky. "Tsillah, let us fly" she spoke out loud towards the sky. 

Her body began to glow in a soft green light. It became almost impossible to look at before, suddenly, the figure started to shift and change. Enya's figure grew large, larger, even larger yet. What was her head and neck reached out and elongated in a majestic curve with a pointed snout for a tip. Her tail grew yet longer than her neck did and it curled around her large figure in an elegant way. From her shoulders sprouted two draconic wings. The blinding light faded and standing there in all her glory was Enya, but as a dragon. With the glow dimmed down, the fans that ran along her neck and tail were apparent. They were flared upwards to emphasize her appearance. Her body still maintained it's reddish-brown coloration as a base color. She maintained her spots, and her teal transitioned from her belly to her fins and large portions of her wings. She sprouted two large horns on her head with a tiny third one on her nose. Her scaled eyebrows were still above her teal eyes. 

With the transformation complete, Enya turned her head towards Caedwyn. It wasn't often she shifted into her dragon shape. In fact, the last time she shifted was when she saved her daughter Arachne from the rockslide after the Akrasia of her history. She stepped forward on her four limbs and stretched her wings out wide. She then suddenly extended her neck and lifted her head to look upwards and loosed a dragon's breath of steam from within her. The steam particles twinkled in the air as the moonlight reflected off of the water particles. The breath hadn't been intentional and she was grateful she'd had enough time to divert the breath's direction. Even luckier that it looked pretty afterwards, almost intentional! 

"Caedwyn" she coo'd in her now dragon-toned voice. Speaking the common tongue was harder with her elongated face, but luckily enough the tongue was largely the same in both forms, so it helped significantly. There was a low rumble, however, that accompanied each syllable. "My Marrow. Fly with me." She approached him closer and gently lifted a claw to touch his chest. "Not on me. With me." She knew that he could copy powers. So, if he could copy her powers, then he could copy her morph, right? Surely Tsillah would blessed him with the Will to do so. 'No. That's not right. Tsillah won't bless him with the will to do so.' Tsillah would watch as Caedwyn himself found the Will to do so.  

Dragon Form
