Silver Lake
A mountain river flows into a large, stunning lake. The waters reflect silver in the day and under moonlight. A plain of gentle hills and forests surround the lake. Herds of elk are native here.
Fish out of water [p]
OOC Date: 09-13-2024, 04:48 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/04/2024  in  Silver Lake  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Average 28"
Health7 Dexterity3
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 1 Perception 1
Constitution 3 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3

Loch had spent the past few days familiarizing himself with the lake and its surrounding area. He didn’t feel much of a pull to explore elsewhere. He much preferred it here, where he could dip into the familiar waters whenever he pleased. He spent more and more time lying on top of large rocks jetting out of the water and basking beneath the warm sun. He had made a den near one such rocky outcropping. It was small but cozy. He didn’t need it any bigger. Tall grasses obscured the entrance, and it directly overlooked the water. It suited him quite well, and he had to admit he was getting more comfortable here as the days went on. 

He was also growing familiar with the fish that made a home in this lake. He was surprised by the diverse ecosystem such a small body of water nurtured. He found it a lot easier to catch fish here than he did in the ocean. The expanse of the deep sea felt empty compared to the bustle of life in the lake. It wasn’t hard to spot a potential meal here. That wasn’t what had caught his attention this time, however.

Just a day prior, he swore he saw a mussel, but he was chasing a fish and quickly lost it in the muck. He had convinced himself he had imagined it. It must have been an odd-looking rock. Yet now, he had found another one. Not taking the chance of losing this one, Loch scooped it up and hauled it onto a nearby rock.  Its weight told him it was still alive.  Back in the ocean, he loved searching for oysters like this.  This one’s shell was brown and icky, not boasting the beautiful colors of some of its saltwater cousins. The shell isn’t what interested him, though. What he was looking for was inside, if he was lucky.

Using his jaw, the canid would crack the shell open. He began digging through the mussel's inner to see if anything was inside. If luck were on his side, there would be a pearl. He fully intended to add it to the collection of ones he had found in the past, many of which he currently wore as jewelry. The others were stashed away in his den along with his favorite bits of treasure from the ocean. While he couldn’t carry much with him, he had brought some of his favorite shells, bones,  and even a bit of whale baleen he had collected from a hunt with his adoptive siblings.

He had always had an iffy relationship with his siblings.  Yet, he had to admit now that he was away from them, he missed them. He missed the companionship.  Looking up from his find, the finned beast would look back towards the shore. He hoped that in the coming days, he’d be able to get more acquainted with the others who called Duskorna 

(Rolling for Other to see if there is a pearl inside)