Sinkhole Abyss
A giant cave system that stretches deep underground, formed by an ancient sinkhole. The cave is like a honeycomb, with layer upon layer going deeper and large openings to the sky above.
For Her Eyes Only [p][m]
OOC Date: 09-13-2024, 04:17 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

His eyes followed her movements as she dipped a paw in the blood and he titled his head down slightly as she reached up at him. Motionless he stood while she traced markings in blood over his face, with utmost care and attention so he did not spoil her efforts with a careless movement. She recited a prayer and Caedwyn almost began to nod along in agreement, unthinking, before stopping himself and regained his efforts to hold still for Enya to finish her ritual. As she finished, an uncanny wind gusted through the cavern. The branches of the tree groaned and the vines hanging from the ledges above them swayed forcefully. Leaves and bits of grass flew up into the air as the wind circles around. His head jerked to the side with the suddenness of the wind to look, almost expecting to see the goddess herself approaching, as though she had caused the wind in response to Enya's recitation. He could hear little yips from her with excitement and his lips pulled back into a somewhat smile - though it was difficult given that he still had the lamb in his mouth.

"Caedwyn!" His head snapped back toward Enya when she shouted. The body of the lamb swung out to the side with the quick motion, splattering little bits of blood around where he stood. A challenge? Enya's voice seemed full of vigor and excitement. She said Tsillah was watching them! Caedwyn had no doubt that the goddess saw all things, but this seemed different. It seemed not only had the goddess seen it, but they had her attention. His tail began to wag and he took a couple bouncing steps toward Enya in excitement, nodding up and down (the body of the lamb flinging about, limp legs jostling like a ragdoll in his grip). That wind had to have meant something! It wasn't just a breeze and why else would it have come right when Enya's words to the goddess had finished? Yes, yes, yes! She was right. Tsillah was watching them.

"Caedwyn," He moved closer in anticipation, eagerly waiting for whatever she had to say. Her prayer had reached the goddess. Whatever came next, he was sure Tsillah would hear. He had to know, what mighty declaration for Tsillah would Enya proclaim. Tsillah would hear! His legs wiggled as he shifted his weight eagerly back and forth between each foot. Yes, call forth her power. It was all he could think as his ears flicked foward excitedly. ""Have you ever flown before? Not in a dream. Really fly. With wings." His shifting stopped quite suddenly at her statement. It had taken him by surprise. So much so, that his lips pursed a bit in thought and confusion. His jaw relaxed and the lamb dropped to the ground in front of him.

Flying? It was such an odd thing to ask. But, Caedwyn had to believe there was some reason. After all, she had just gained the attention of their goddess. His head tilted just slightly to the side with curiosity. Would he... fly with her? In fact, he had not flown before. And he couldn't say he'd seen Enya fly before either. She didn't have wings, but he'd known wolves to have wings that appeared only when their magic allowed them to fly. Perhaps all this time, Enya had been hiding wings from him? It was an incredulous thought. But he didn't have time to doubt her.

He wasn't afraid. And he definitely wasn't going to back down if Tsillah was watching them.

"I'd do anything," he said confidently. "... if you desire." But what exactly did she have in mind? Even if she could fly, how would Caedwyn fly?

