Crystal Caverns
A cave and tunnel system that cuts through the mountains. Deep underground, glowing minerals along the ceiling provide a dim light source that looks like stars in the darkness. Huge pools of clear water and strange plants grow within the caves.
[P]New around here
OOC Date: 09-09-2024, 12:23 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/02/2024  in  Crystal Caverns  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1
Eon mimicked the same smile on Helix’s face, giving a quick nod to indicate he was listening. “Ah, I do like caves too.”  They might of restricted the amount of flying he could do within their walls,  but they offered him other advantages—small crevices to hide in, shelter from bad weather, lots of hidden treasures… He was happy to have found this place. He would have to tell others about it when he got home, maybe grab a group to head back this way to mine some of those glimmering crystals. Even now, he found it hard to keep his gaze off them and concentrate on Helix.

His smile widened as she inquired about his kingdom. Home…  it also felt good to have a home finally, after all the moons upon moons of traveling. “I come from Duskorna,” he spoke, a hint of pride behind his voice. “We recently came here from another land and plan to build the kingdom in honor of the goddess Tsillah."

There it was, right on queue. That flittering in his stomach every time he spoke the goddess's name or thought of her… what could it mean?  He couldn’t tell if the feeling was comforting or nerve-wracking. Never mind, it wasn’t worth dwelling on that now, not when he was here with a stranger. Helix would have no insight on the matter. If he wanted answers, he would have to seek out someone else.

His eyes flickered back upwards, climbing the cave walls and gazing at the colorful, glowing crystals that flickered like night sky stars. “Say…” he began to ponder an idea for a moment. Perhaps he didn’t need to return to his kingdom to start mining this place. He had a friendly companion right here in front of him, and there were plenty of treasures to go around. “Would you like to help me mine some of these crystals?” he’d ask. “They seem to be calling my name, and I’d love the company.”  He could then return his findings as proof of what these caves held. If more members from his kingdom wanted to return, he would be more than happy to lead the way and explore these caverns a second time.