Crystal Caverns
A cave and tunnel system that cuts through the mountains. Deep underground, glowing minerals along the ceiling provide a dim light source that looks like stars in the darkness. Huge pools of clear water and strange plants grow within the caves.
[P]New around here
OOC Date: 09-04-2024, 03:58 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/02/2024  in  Crystal Caverns  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1
Eon was a curious creature. He should have stayed in the territory the kingdom had established, but he did not like being chained down to one place. No, a little peek beyond the borders wouldn’t hurt. Well, a little peak turned into an hours-long venture. Even on wings, he didn’t seem to get far, and it occurred to him how vast these lands truly were.

Eventually, what appeared to be a cave system piqued his interest. With a quiet thud, the canid's paws graced the earth. Below him was smooth stone, an interesting difference from the grassy terrains covering everything else until this point. Lifting his head, Eon would peer into the darkness. The vast cave system stared back at him. He had no idea what exactly awaited inside. Perhaps he should find out some another time… head back?

Despite the nagging in his head telling him to turn around, the canid pressed on. The sun's light vanished behind him, revealing the sparkle of luminescent gems decorating the cave walls. Instantly, those thoughts begging him to turn around were silenced. He stared in awe for a moment before flittering his wings to get high enough to touch one with his nose.  The azure glow it emitted matched his own gaze, and everything in his being told him now to snatch it… but how?

He’d push on the crystal, but it was well embedded into the rock and didn’t seem to budge. Frustrated, Eon decided to kick it with his back legs full force.  A chip broke off, breaking the silence as it smashed against the cave floor. “Shit.” 

He’d land down beside it. How could such a small chip create a noise that echoed so loudly? He hoped the noise hadn’t given away his location; the last thing he wanted now was trouble… He’d wince as a loud ‘hello?’ responded. “Shit… shit,” he’d mutter softly. If he hadn’t already been spotted, he sure would be soon. His glowing pelt radiated throughout the darkness.  Perhaps he could use magic to turn himself invisible…

“I’m here,” he’d call out, again ignoring the thoughts that nagged inside his brain. There could be an enemy lurking in the shadows - or - there could be a new friendly face he could persuade to join the kingdom. As if he wasn’t bright enough already, Eon would use his light magic to create a bright wisp, allowing him to peer further into the cave.