A Mysterious Place
OOC Date: 07-10-2023, 01:32 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 02/03/2023  in  Flowery Fields  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3
private for Enya.

Caedwyn wasn't sure exactly when he'd arrived in this place, but by his memory at least two weeks had passed. It was a bit of a mystery though, the exact moment of his arrival. It had come with fog and mist. A dark and foggy night had led the wandering male into unfamiliar territory. When morning came and light arose, he didn't recognize his surroundings. It didn't worry him at first, but as the days began to pass, Caedwyn began to notice that no matter how he tried, he couldn't recall or find the path that had led him here. It wasn't a dire situation, but it was one that intrigued his curiosity. He'd spent the last months wandering anyway; so being stuck wandering this place wasn't too much of a bother to him. But he had never been one to become 'lost' before, and now that he couldn't find his way it was a curiosity - almost an annoyance even - that he couldn't find the way back.

It wasn't all bad though. He had encountered a few faces that seemed friendly enough, though Caedwyn was slow to trust. A few words of greeting and he was usually on his way. Truly though, he longed for home. He longed for familiar faces. But Vrolga wasn't as it had once been long ago, and after many sleepless nights he had finally left. The old traditions had been abandoned. The old faces he had once been loyal to had moved on. He felt no ill will toward what was left of Vrolga but that was just it. There was nothing left for him. His thoughts meandered over old memories now half-faded as he wandered the grassland. This place seemed familiar, but also new. He'd explored the plains only a little the days before and today he made a point to choose a new direction to travel. He passed casually through the tall foliage, letting dried winter grasses brush against his sides. His head was held somewhat low, letting his nose sniff as he walked. A breeze surprisingly warm for winter bristled his fur and carried with it a multitude of new scents.