Emerald Grove
A hilly terrain covered by deciduous forest. Creeks cut between the hills. The tall forest reaches upward and underneath, ferns cover the ground.
Teach me your ways [P]
OOC Date: 09-03-2024, 09:49 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/03/2024  in  Emerald Grove  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

It was the warm summer air that reminded Enya that it had been almost a year ago that she had chanced upon Malachi. Already a year had passed by and yet again her roots had been torn from the ground and relocated with the intent to set in once more. Home. It was a term easy to define, and yet she wondered what a home really was supposed to be. She wondered what the intent behind the word was meant to be. Mostly, she wondered if she would ever truly find a Home. She began to think not. Already, she's existed for years upon years, roaming and forced away from lands, or driven out of them by her own blatant stupidity. Her last home... should she have tried to endure it? Was relocating really the right choice to make, or was it her running away again? 

"Ahh" Enya spat with a rumbling growl, finding herself wandering further and further down a dangerous road. She shook herself, then straightened her fur back down. Shaking didn't make the doubt and heartache go away, but it definitely shook her mind from it's current track and let it divert to a more positive one. Home. She would make this her home. This was it. She would raise a clan devote to Tsillah with Caedwyn and Eon by her side. She would make this Kingdom, Duskorna, a place for believers, a place for the strong. 

With new purpose in her step, she strode forward a couple paces to the edge of a creek. There, she stared down, stared back at the reflection of herself. She focused on the torn ear, at the hard look on her face. She looked, but she didn't see a single spec of gray hair on her face. By her count, she should have started graying out at least a year or so ago, if not longer. And yet, her reflection mirrored the reds and creams the same way they had looked when she had first found Caedwyn forever ago. "What is your plan for me?" she whispered, speaking not to anyone around her, but to her Goddess. "Will you let me make this my home if I am your devotee? I suppose I will see, for I have set my path to be for you. I have plans, my Goddess. Bare witness to them. To me." Her gaze averted from her reflection to the sky, or would have had movement not caught her eye instead. 

Enya turned to see Eon approaching. Her tail wagged at the sight of him and she offered him a warm smile before finally letting her gaze look upwards. "Come" she called to him, inviting him to take a spot beside her. "I wonder if you heard my comments to our Goddess." She was indifferent either way. "So, how are you settling into the new place? I know it hasn't been long, but I hope it's been well?"