Emerald Grove
A hilly terrain covered by deciduous forest. Creeks cut between the hills. The tall forest reaches upward and underneath, ferns cover the ground.
Teach me your ways [P]
OOC Date: 09-03-2024, 07:13 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/03/2024  in  Emerald Grove  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1
Traveling with the Monarchs from the realm to their new home, Eon had picked up the ways of Tsillah. Or at least some of it. Still, his mind wouldn’t stop its constant ponderings. Worse yet,  there was an aching feeling in his gut.  Growing up in Athadia, religion was never of importance. Eon had actively denied the existence of the gods, or at least he had tried to. He had never wanted to be chained down by such beliefs. Strength and will came from within. He didn’t need gods, only himself.  But perhaps such thoughts had angered the higher powers…

Athadia had crumbled beneath his paws, and he realized he wasn’t strong enough.  Why he, of all beings, had managed to survive was unclear - but perhaps Tsillah had seen something in him. He was given a second chance, and that chance led him to her kingdom. He could no longer deny her. Still, part of him was afraid. It was foggy, but his sumber had brought him visions. Rather than dreams, they felt real but distant—something akin to an ancient history he had long forgotten. He wished he could still forget. The image of golden shackles chaining him in place danced in his subconscious. He wanted to free himself —but how? Would giving into Tsillah free him? Or was she the one who had him chained?

The thought of her presence, which he could very much feel, was both relieving and intimidating. Why had she chosen him….? What did she want with him?  Perhaps his mind was still too clouded. Maybe he should seek out those who were more familiar with her. Perhaps an outside eye could help him interpret these visions.  One wolf in particular came to mind. Enya had dedicated herself to Tsillah for… well, he wasn’t sure how long, but he knew the goddess was essential to her. She had also offered him kindness, a home, and shelter. If there was any wolf he could trust, it was her. He just hoped she wouldn’t mind him asking for one more favor.

His nose graced the grasses below him, sniffing to see if he could pick up her scent. He assumed she must be around here somewhere. The territory was newly established, and as a Monarch, he assumed she’d want to stay and protect their borders.