Sinkhole Abyss
A giant cave system that stretches deep underground, formed by an ancient sinkhole. The cave is like a honeycomb, with layer upon layer going deeper and large openings to the sky above.
For Her Eyes Only [p][m]
OOC Date: 09-03-2024, 03:38 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/20/2023  in  Sinkhole Abyss  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

”Oh” Enya commented casually, realizing she didn’t have an immediate solution for his candle-lighting problem. ”Well, I’m sure She won’t mind” She could offer him reassurance, and so she did. As he dumped out the contents of his bag, she leaned forward and peeked to see what he had scattered about. Candles. Well… yeah that made sense. She wasn’t sure why she had expected something different. He caught her in the act, staring at the goodies and watching as he started to place them around and Enya froze momentarily. Oh right, she had a bag too.

With a sudden flourish to recover being caught in the act of staring at him, she turned, the bones on her armor rattling as she shifted, and yoinked the bag up with her muzzle. It clinked and clanked as she swung it around, intentionally making it extra noisy. ”Maybe” she smirked back at him, swinging her tail around high above her to prance to the other side of the makeshift altar. She took a quick swipe at her main saddlebags, quickly dipping a paw inside to grab at something, and continued until she stood opposite of Caedwyn, hoping he hadn’t noticed the motion. She reached forward and lowered the bag in her muzzle, nudging it until its content spilled out from within. Bones clattered across the rock of various shapes and sizes. Some were vertebrates, others knuckle bones or snapped rib-cage pieces, or canines and other teeth. She pushed them forward, piling them up towards the center of the altar. She imagined the way the candles would look with flames licking across them, causing the shadows to dance as the sky shifted to darkness. She wouldn’t dare speak it out loud, but she felt that it was a shame she wouldn’t see such a scene tonight. ”Oh, did you mean this bag? No, there was nothing in there for you, not in this one.” She tried to give him a serious nonchalant face, but knew he’d see through it as the corners of her muzzle creased with a held-back grin. She paused for effect, for the crushing realization that she hadn’t had a gift for him sink in…

… before she broke into a toothy grin and pranced over to Caedwyn, circling back around the altar before presenting him with the item she had grabbed prior: a pair of earrings. They were poked through a piece of thin leather, a dark contrast to the gold and teal of the earrings themselves. She had been forced to find a jeweler to help her make the design. She didn’t have the magic or appendages to work such fine craftsmanship on her own, to her dismay. So, instead of making the item for him, she decided to put part of herself into the piece of jewelry. ”Now you’ll always have me with you.” She held the earrings out to him so he could clearly see their designs. In the center of each earring piece was a scale of her own. It was polished and shined and preserved before it had been delicately placed into its golden setting.

”I hope you like it...” she spoke with a lower tone, a shy whisper. Would he like what she had made for him? Would he hate it? Would he tell her if he hated it? Was it too personal? Too soon too fast? She knew he wasn’t all about the flashy - he’d worn cloaks throughout most of her memories with him, so she hadn’t gone extravagant in the design, but should she have? ’No, it’s perfect for him.’ she affirmed to herself. ’Even if he doesn’t think so, I know so.’
