Akrasia Pre-Launch Party!
OOC Date: 08-08-2024, 10:52 PM

Health Dexterity
Arcana Medicine
Charisma Perception
Constitution Stealth
Deception Strength

Akrasia Pre-Launch Party!

What is a Pre-Launch?

During pre-launch, we allow existing members to view the board and give feedback in our discord, look for bugs, and brainstorm ideas -  before we begin to advertise Akrasia. Goals for pre-launch include: getting existing accounts active or reset, submitting / brainstorming ideas for our two Kingdoms, selecting leadership for our Kingdoms, finding & fixing bugs, and getting feedback / revising any game material. It may be necessary for us to revise game material not only during pre-launch, but as our game moves forward.

How Long is Pre-Launch

We do not have a set time period for pre-launch but expect it to be short.

Bugs, Typos, etc

Because we kept our previous database (to keep all your profiles and posts safe), there may be a few typos, bugs, or broken links. If you notice anything like this, please report it in the #support channel in discord.

Returning Player Activation

Reply here with your Player Account to automatically activate it.
New players do not need to do this and can register / join normally.

Character Account Reset

Our stat system has changed with our re-launch. Returning characters will need to redo their stats & spells on their profile.
  • Request a reset in the #support channel in discord
  • Paste a link to the character account(s) you want reset
  • Mention "reset" or "Character reset"
  • A staff member will set your account to pending as soon as possible
  • Update your profile with your new stats & spells, kingdom & rank
  • After you are finished, go to Join/Activate to join the Character group

    I'm bringing my character from a previous site. What should I say happened?

    Optional: Existing characters who were played in other lands can choose to include a shared event in their backstory: Gray skies covered the lands. For days showers of rain drenched the lands. Days turned to weeks. And then months, with no end in sight. Plants began to wither from the lack of sunlight and prey animals fled. Soon the ground itself began to erode and floodwaters rose in the lowlands. Characters may have chosen to flee the lands at any point, driven by hunger, fear, or by rising floodwaters or other dangers.

    Kingdom Creation

    Starting Kingdoms

    1 Kingdom will be loyal to the goddess Tsillah and 1 will be loyal to the god Ohr. We still need Kingdom names, vernacular, unique customs, and festival/events for these Kingdoms. Brainstorm ideas in the #chat channel. See the Hierarchy page for specifics.

    Duskorna (Tsillah's Followers)

    To get started, the Kingdom will be led by Caedwyn & Enya, with Eon as a secondary leader. Members can sign up for the remaining two Noble ranks by replying here (just mention you want a rank in Tsillah's Kingdom and what character). If there are more than 2 characters wanting the position, a thread will be started for those characters to fight / decide who gets the positions. Anyone may join this Kingdom as a regular member.

    Why did those players get leadership positions right away?
    We have put in a lot of time and effort creating the site. Our characters have a backstory around the goddess this Kingdom is following; and we feel it makes sense for them to create / lead a group dedicated to their goddess. Eon was leader in the Realm and has offered to help get things going. Things can always change in the future as plots and stories develop.

    Verdantis (Ohr's Followers)

    We currently have no leadership for this Kingdom yet. Members can sign up for either the Monarch or Noble ranks. We need at least 1 Monarch & up to 3 Nobles. If there are too many sign-ups, a thread will be posted for the characters to fight/decide who gets the positions. To sign up, reply here (just mention you want a rank in Ohr's Kingdom and what character).  Mercedes, played by Mangle, has volunteered to lead this Kingdom. There is still room for a few Nobles. If you'd like to join as a Noble, please reach out to Mangle. Anyone may join this Kingdom as a regular member.


    Direct questions to our discord for quicker responses.
    We're excited to have everyone here for our pre-launch!