Fall Fun Scavenger Hunt
OOC Date: 12-02-2023, 12:32 AM

Health Dexterity
Arcana Medicine
Charisma Perception
Constitution Stealth
Deception Strength
Way to go everyone! Here are the locations of the scavenger items! I'll leave them up for a few days so you can check it out before we take them down. Smile

Acorn - who's online at very bottom left
Applebutter Jar - thread list bottom near "new" button
Barn - profile page - bottom right
Basket - User CP - account switcher bottom left
Blueberries - index - left side of main navigation bar
Boots - user cp - change email - bottom left of main banner
Calendar - guidebook bottom of navigation
Corn - Volcanic forum - area info - very bottom
Dead Tree - guidebook: setting - far left side at bottom of page
Fall Tree - statistics under averages
Fire - guidebook: combat - above combat mechanics section
Fireplace - guidebook: hierarchy - on main banner near enya's back leg (swamp magic skin for reference)
Fox - Plotting forum - right side near top "New" button
Grapes - User CP - account settings - top left above user cp menu
Hat - who plays who near top of list
Honey Jar - guidebook: magic - in Vampire spell description
Hot Chocolate - guidebook: skills - top left of main banner
Kite - index page under affiliate buttons
Mushrooms - storage forum - far left near the bottom of page
Pie - user cp - avatar - right side near avatar preview
Pine Tree - threadlist center near biome name
Pumpkin - IC Archive left side above threadlist
Raincloud - Advertisement forum - very bottom in the skin footer bar center
Rake - index - under "Out of Character" left side
Scarecrow - user cp main page on top of current avatar preview
Scarf - guidebook: rules - right side near activity section
Shovel - postbit under attached accounts
Squirrel - memberlist right side of banner
Stump - guidebook: introduction - above discord icon
Sunflower - Current Ranks - center on main banner just above Daydream navigation bar
Sweater - User CP - Saved Tables - middle center of page
Tea & Kettle - User CP - Edit Profile - top or bottom of page
Umbrella - index page - right side under recent thread list
Windmill - guidebook: characters - under breeding section
Windy Leaves - guidebook: hierarchy - left side near rank descriptions
Wooden Crate - Affiliate and Advertise thread above advertise us