2023 Monthly Plot Challenges
OOC Date: 12-02-2023, 12:29 AM

Health Dexterity
Arcana Medicine
Charisma Perception
Constitution Stealth
Deception Strength

December 2023

During the month of December the weather is beginning to change across many of the biomes in the Realm and many creatures are preparing for winter. Many choose to celebrate this time of change and the Winter Solstice by participating in games and celebrations. All our events this month are themed around these winter events.

Reindeer Migration

IC Dates: December 1 - 31

A massive herd of reindeer will be migrating across the Realm, looking for greener pastures as the winter months arrive. No one is sure where they come from or where they disappear to at the end of the month. The massive herd is led by a giant white Reindeer who seems majestic, powerful, and other-worldly (perhaps a spirit or deity!). Observe, hunt, or interact with the migration.

Tree Decorating

IC Dates: December 1 - 31

Many characters celebrate the Solstice by decorating and inviting good tidings. Decorate a tree with festive decorations of your characters choice - such as ribbons, garlands, candles, ornaments, pelts, bones, etc - or gather plants, branches or other items to decorate your den or hearth.

Obstacle Race

IC Dates: December 1 - 15

A race through a challenging course of obstacles and difficult terrain. Characters may use magic but don't diceroll magic. Magic is for embellishment to your post only and doesn't affect scoring. After the race ends, we will announce who the winners are!

You may enter as many of your characters as you want.

  • Choose a location. Start a thread in that area.
    - You can thread alone or with a partner.
    - Assume other characters / NPCs in the area are also doing the race.
    - Assume there is an official noting how fast your character completed the race (since not all characters are doing the race the same day).

  • Make a post briefly describing your character moving through one of the obstacles. Do a level 0 Diceroll to see how well your character moved through the obstacle. (repeat a post / diceroll for each obstacle).

  • Your dicerolls will give a NUMBER score.
  • Total up your scores and post your results & character name HERE

(remember to choose one location and start a thread there)
1. Arctic Biome - Arctic Shore
- Race along the sandy shoreline by the waters edge without getting stuck in the mud
- Cross a section of icy water by traversing floating ice-bergs
- Back on the dry rocky shore, find a seagulls nest and bring an egg back to the campfire for lunch (lookout for seagulls that want to peck you!)

2. Tropic Biome - Tangled Jungle
- Run through a dark cave tunnel and out the other side
- Cross a creek with swiftly running water (there's gators in those waters!)
- Cross a deep ravine using a fallen log that is laying across the gap

3. Arid Biome - Badlands
- Run through a winding, narrow passage in a rocky canyon (poisonous snakes and scorpions are crawling around here!)
- Climb over a large pile of boulders
- Cross a field of cactus with prickly spines