[P] Symphony of the Sirens
OOC Date: 12-15-2023, 09:44 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 10/26/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  

Species Male Striped Hyena
Build Adult Athletic 45"
Trade (untasked)
Health6 Dexterity
Arcana 5 Medicine
Charisma 2 Perception
Constitution 3 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

       Reed had always been so animated with life, bursting at the seams with emotion; Balthazar loved that. Her butt wiggled wildly as if it were making up for the fact her tail couldn't wag as much. Balthazar started to smile, almost forgetting why he had been upset in the first place. As the corners of his lips curled, he watched a change in Reed- like watching a fire snuff out. Her features sagged, and softened; like a mirror that was mimicking the pain and sorrows he felt on the inside of his chest only seconds before.  Balthazar's own smile fell before it formed,  a look of concern is evident in his face now; "Oh Reed, don' do dat," Balthazar spoke before he could think; on instinct he started to try and soothe her obvious signs of distress and confusion. His voice a warm, low and smooth tempo, aiming for comfort. "You gotta keep yer chin up girlie...don't mind me..I'm jus' a big ol' cry baby.." He would again smile and try to play off his grief from earlier.  "Honestly, I just..I thought we'd never meet again..." 'in the flesh' he adds silently. 

    As she explained her predicament, and how she'd washed ahore in ship wreckage Balthazar felt his spirit dance within him. Perhaps it was Tyre- the God of the sea who had done this? His head turned, those vivid eyes of his strained in the daylight to look over the scene where she'd directed.  The graveyard of a ship wreck was very evident, even from a distance. Careful eyes inspect Reed silently, wondering if she was hurting from the wreck, but knowing if he asked, she'd would likely play it off and act unscathed- even if she was hurt. "I'd be confused too after all dat.." Balthazar watched as she shuffled with her paws, trying to move her dreadlocks.  The corner of his lip lifted in a boyish smirk.  A bemused chuckle slides off his lips. Balthazar attempts to use his telekinetic powers to brush a few dreadlocks backwards, to keep them out of her face. "How can I help?"