so cold and so sweet [aw]
OOC Date: 12-01-2023, 12:09 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/25/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Female Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 27"
Health8 Dexterity4
Arcana 3 Medicine 3
Charisma 1 Perception 3
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 4

Her heart had begged her to inquire, and it was appropriately crushed with Eon's response. At his words, she turned her face away to continue stripping the fronds that he had brought to her. It helped her bite back the sudden tears that fought to well up in the corners of her eyes. 'Stupid decision. Stupid, stupid decision' she scolded herself internally, now ripping the fronds in anger at herself. His words he offered to comfort her were touching, but did little to do so. Sure, there was a chance that they ended up in this new world, there was a chance that they were well and prosperous, but there was also the chance that she may never see or hear about them again, a chance that they were dead, or suffering, or perhaps something even worse than that. She should have been a better mother. She should have been present and she should have put aside all of her personal grievances. She knew that now, but hindsight was 20/20 as one might say. 

Enya was grateful for Eon's change of subject, helping her deviate her mind from thinking about how shitty of a parent she had been (for the billionth time) to instead speak of something more recent. She paused in her fond tearing and instead moved to nose the pile she'd made into a neater one. Her tongue flicked from her mouth several times and her face twisted for a moment as she worked a stray piece from between her teeth before she turned to answer Eon. "I don't mind at all. My arrival here was both lackluster and life-changing all at once. I went to sleep with my son and familiar beside me out deep in the woods and when I woke up, I was here and they weren't." She remembered hardly being surprised when she had awoken and realized what had happened. The shock of her familiar and son being gone had been a lot, but the actual shifting of worlds? Well, it hadn't been her first experience with such a situation. "Funny enough, I think this realm does something strange with who others meet when they first arrive here. It almost seems like it knows who to connect who with. Like you, when I first arrived here, I also was met with a familiar face." She'd seen glances of others when she'd first arrived, but none had been close enough to her to actually make an acquaintance. "The first wolf I encountered here was Caedwyn" She watched Eon as she mention his name, to see if there was a response and associated expression presented. "I don't really know what this place is, but there's definitely magic at work in this world's core. I can feel it." 


text. "speech."

Table code by Zodiac