[AW] A Trigger
OOC Date: 11-27-2023, 07:54 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/26/2023  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

I'm not giving up...
I'm just giving in.

Eon was not surprised that Reed seemed a bit unsure about the creature. When Eon had first found the aye-aye all those seasons ago, he had felt rather uncomfortable around it too. Its huge eyes, ragged fur, and long fingers gave it a nightmarish appearance.  At first, Eon had tried to avoid the strange primate, but it kept following him around until the canid had grown used to it.  Soon, he’d even find a way to communicate with it mentally. Though the aye-aye could not speak out loud,  the two could hear each other inside their heads, and communicate via thoughts. Over time, it became apparent they had some special connection, one that was simply indescribable. Eon would not even be able to explain it if he wanted to. Yet, this was one face from his past he was not upset about seeing - even if that face was a rather strange one.  He had even grown to find the once ugly and nightmarish face rather cute, actually. 

Reed asked what it was and if it had a name, and Eon would give a nod in response. “It's an aye-aye, a kind of monkey”  Right then, as in on queue, the primate would jump back back off Eons back and start climbing a nearby tree, escalating the trunk until it was once again above them in the branches. It continued to observe the pair of canines from its perch above.

“I call him Phobia, felt it fitting because when I first found him he gave me the creeps.” He’d begin to recall the shivers that had gone down his spine the first time those yellow eyes pierced through him. It was definitely strange how their relationship had changed completely because now, he found the monkey's gaze quite a comforting one.  “His looks are deceiving, though. I’ve gotten to know him, and he’s quite a big help. He used to help me gather herbs when I needed them.”