[P] Something Wicked this way Comes
OOC Date: 11-25-2023, 05:43 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 10/07/2023  in  Dark Forest  —  
Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 32"
Health8 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 2
Constitution 1 Stealth 3
Deception 3 Strength 3

This wasn't his first choice for a midnight stroll but even Caedwyn knew he couldn't neglect patrolling the forest for too long. He'd steered clear of this place, mainly out of convenience but also because the place was simply unwelcoming. Having lived in the swamp, with its myriad of 'creepy crawlies,' Caedwyn didn't normally get 'creeped out' but there was certainly something eerie about this black forest. But the late hour had put most creatures to rest and the night was quiet. So for now Caedwyn strolled at a slow pace, allowing his footsteps to fall quietly into the soft ashy soil. He swore he could hear voices whispering around him as well, yet every time he turned his head to look he was met with only silence. Was it ghosts? or perhaps the hour had grown too late and his tiredness was getting the better of him? He let out a little huff in exhaustion and kept moving.

His patrol so far had been uneventful aside from the whispering. That was until a faint light up head flickered through the trees. His ears flicked forward as the light danced strangely ahead, cashing a flickering light behind the branches. He moved closer with curiosity and caution, until a voice broke the quiet of the night air. "Who's next?" With the voice speaking, the dancing light disappeared. Was this the doing of whoever had spoken? Magic of some sort?

Caedwyn crouched for a moment, craning his neck forward to try to see but he couldn't quite get a good angle. Lifting his body he stepped forward again and now he could see a form in the darkness ahead of him. A wolf of mixed grays with a serpentine tail. Was this who had spoken? His eyes darted around but he didn't see anyone else.

"Something troubling you?" Caedwyn spoke up, not wanting to linger too long, as he wasn't sure if the other wolf had already noticed his approach. There wasn't much point in sneaking around. He wanted to know who this creature was. "... or just not able to sleep?" It wasn't too much of a conversation starter but Caedwyn didn't want to scare them off just yet.

