the bed we made
OOC Date: 11-22-2023, 12:07 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 11/12/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  

Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 50"
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 5 Medicine
Charisma 2 Perception
Constitution 4 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

The path of her tongue halted halfway over a wound on her shoulder as tunes reached her ears. Her head lifted and turned in the direction of the song, head tilted in confusion. It was moment later that she felt her usual stone wall cracking with what seemed to be happiness? She almost gaged at the thought, but the feeling was there and it did make her mood less bitter - more chipper even. Though the wounds and ache kept it from showing too much. When her eyes focused on, what seemed to be a wolf, that was the reason for the tunes she perked up. A few more steps forward when she heard the others' words.

"I have no crew." As the words were out of her mouth, her memories flooded her mind to what had happened before the sea embraced her. The woman she loved, the pack she cared for, her brothers.. her father. Lips curled and a snarl slipped past her large teeth. Shoulders rolled and she looked around again. Unfamiliar. Everything was unfamiliar. "Fuck!" She spat again and turned around a couple more times before stopping and going a few steps in a different direction, then turning and going back. "Fuck, shit and other such expletives." She continued a snarl hanging on each of her words. She then turned back to the woman that had been most likely been watching her tantrum. Her bright eyes met the ones of the woman in front of her and she spoke again, her voice leveled, calm and monotone. "Where the fuck am I?" She demanded, a lost look in her eyes. Her tail on the level of her spine. And lets not mention she had yet to discover that her fangs had grown and her claws were easily retreating in their sockets and coming out, much like a lion's.

original code by w0lfbandit/image by sicrownux