[P] Nothing Special
OOC Date: 12-02-2023, 07:05 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 05/18/2023  in  Midnight Mountains  —  

Health Dexterity
Arcana Medicine
Charisma Perception
Constitution Stealth
Deception Strength

Shared Account

When he swiped with his claws, the brown wolf dodged and snapped down. The bear felt a sharp pain in his foot and a tugging as the wolf's teeth clenched down on his foot. He let out an angry, pained screech and tried to pull back - only to be body-slammed by the other one (the one who had shapeshifted into a bear). He stumbled backward, lifting up onto his hind legs to break away from the other bear's grasp. He batted wildly with his free paw and gave a strong yank backward trying to free his other paw from the wolf's jaws. He had to get free of them! He could easily outpower the wolf but with this false-bear, he had to be more careful. He needed to get his paw free now!

Suddenly he pulled free of the wolf's jaws. Now was his chance! Quickly he scrambled, turning his back briefly to his attackers and climbed - up, up, up the tall tree at the edge of the cliff behind him. Trees were safe. They were shelter. The wolves wouldn't be able to get him up here, he was sure of it. He scuttled higher and higher, frenzied with panic and the tree swayed under his weight pushing up through the branches. Small branches and twigs were breaking under him and a flurry of evergreen needles were flying off into the air and dropping down below. But he didn't care. He had to make sure they couldn't reach him. And what if that other fake-bear came after him!?

Up higher. Up higher.

Then suddenly a crack split the air. CRACK. Like a bone breaking, like a bolt of lightning piercing the air, the sounds shot out. But it was too late. The weight of the bear was too much for the thin, weak branches at the top of the tree. The top portion of the tree that supported the bear had snapped off, quickly flinging the bear forward and down in an unbalanced motion. The broken tree toppled, down down down. Over the edge of the cliff it went, taking the bear with it. With a crash and a heavy thud, the bear slammed into the rocky hillside below, rolling and then toppling as his body slammed into the rocks and rolled down onto a lower ledge below where the tree was growing. His body was bashed and broken and the wind had slipped form his lungs. From his nose and mouth, blood dribbled and drained onto the rocky soil.

What had happened? His mind was daized and the pain was too immense for the bear to make coherent thoughts. Instinctually, he tried to get to his feet but he had no strength left. Instead he laid limply on the ground and a soft, pained groaning noise came from his throat almost like a whimper.


HP: 1 hp (barely alive)
