Loose Rocks
OOC Date: 11-18-2023, 11:04 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 09/24/2023  in  Rainbow Hills  —  

Species Male Gray Wolf
Build Adult Average 36"
Health5 Dexterity
Arcana 5 Medicine
Charisma 2 Perception
Constitution 4 Stealth
Deception Strength

It seemed the words he'd given the other male had not been taken kindly. He bristled his fur, flattened his ears, barred his fangs and rumbled a deep snarl in Ridley's direction. Ridley himself let his tail twitch with irritation. Was this going to be the back-and-forth the entire time Naervon accompanied him? Perhaps he should have bid him to go on his own way instead of accepting his help, for what he was getting was not help, but a thorn in his side. The fiery beast spun away to collect himself - or so Ridley figured - and Ridley huffed and smirked in response. Temper temper he thought, and heavily debated on egging him on further. Ridley started to push onwards until he turned back around and asked him a question. Ridley paused to respond. 

"She's very small with dark grays covering her topside, and a dark green covering her underside. She's got bits of light gray speckled about her, mostly on her face and lower back. She's got one gold eye, and one silver one..." Ridley envisioned her as he described her, saw her cowering crouched behind a bush and promptly peeing herself after. Poor little thing. He had only meant to be playing a game. Back at home that was how they played as children. Back at home where life had been pleasant and normal. He had seemed to have scared her nearly to death, however. She had ran and ran and ran and though he had pursued her, she had escaped him in the end. She would need to be protected. He needed to protect her from wolves like Naervon here. 

Again the wolf was spewing smoke. Ridley sighed audibly, the tip of his tail flicking more aggressively than before. His stance, however, remained casual. His lips remained down. He didn't respond with aggression, only irritation. "If you're just going to smoke up the whole time, leave. I told you she's skittish. You're giving our position away."