[P] Symphony of the Sirens
OOC Date: 11-18-2023, 05:38 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 10/26/2023  in  Paradise Ilse  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 26"
Health6 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 4 Perception 2
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3

Reed lingered as she waited for the hyena's response to her question. As his face shifted from a welcoming one to one of sorrow, Reed's own face mimicked his. Was he silent because he didn't want to say what had happened to everyone else? Were they the only two survivors from the ship wreck? Her wiggling rump and tail slowed and her body wilted in posture. She could see the tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. He must have lost someone close and dear in the event. 

But then he spoke, and the way he spoke made her believe that maybe she didn't understand what was going on. Had he said he supposed she could say he was part of her crew. Why had he phrased it in such an odd way? Was it because they weren't a crew anymore since the rest had all perished? It hurt her to see the terrifying hyena look so wounded. She wanted to reach forward and to wipe those pesky tears away for him, to tell him that they were still absolutely a crew if they had each other. She wanted to point out that she had been able to find him, so that meant that there could be others still out there. She wanted to pick his chin up and tell him to stand strong and firm. They would rebuild once more. 

She had started to open her mouth, to dive into her lecture of encouragement, yet paused when he asked her a follow up question. At his prompting, she frowned and turned her eyes away. Her enthusiasm and encouragement vanished. Once again, she was force to recognize the fact that she remembered nothing of her past before she woke up at the bottom of the ship wreck. What was worse was having a crew mate she was supposed to know standing here right in front of her, and no name, no memories, no recollection at all came back to her. She tried to smile at the stranger but it was clearly forced. "Ya see, I woke up at the bottom of our ship-wreck out yonder" She tossed her head towards the direction of the boat sticking out of the water on a spire, where other boats were scattered across the ocean floor, "and when I managed to make it to shore, I couldn't remember 'nothin. I been livin' out here for a while now trying to find other crew members and I found you! But for all the stuff that happened a'fore the wreck, there's nothin' there.' She looked back towards the Hyena, lifting a paw to shuffle the dreads more towards the sides of her face.