[AW] A Trigger
OOC Date: 11-02-2023, 08:43 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/26/2023  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Adult Brawny 26"
Health6 Dexterity3
Arcana 2 Medicine 1
Charisma 4 Perception 2
Constitution 2 Stealth 1
Deception 1 Strength 3

The other wolf might not have viewed being unable to swim such a big deal, but somewhere deep inside her she knew she'd been made fun of a lot for it. Just like the visions she had, the feeling was there of knowing, and yet the whos, whys, and hows were left unanswered. At the mention of his feathers, she nodded along knowingly as if she had feathers of her own and empathized with him. She didn't, but she nodded along like she did. She heard the question of Tyr and purposely ignored it, unsure how she even knew the name to begin with. Again, it was the same situation. She knew things. She could see things in her mind's eye. She just didn't know the whys or hows or whens or wheres. 

Then he went on to tell her that he too had nearly drowned in the sea. He had been saved by someone he knew. A pang of jealousy struck Reed. She wished she could find someone she recognized. Maybe someone would recognize her and they could tell her what had happened. Maybe someone like one of her crew members she was praying she could find, foolishly still believing they existed and lived despite the evidence thus far showing her the opposite. 

The other canid took the offered coconut and chowed down, giving Reed the sense that she didn't need to restrain herself from wolfing down the fruit and forgoing her learned manners. He settled into the sands near her, and she grew more animated and unlady-like as she chewed on the coconut flesh inside, gnawing and alternating between using her front teeth and those along her jaw. She listened as he described this kingdom he had learned about. It sounded nice, she figured. Everyone getting along together, everyone following their own dreams. Her mind turned to her own dreams and desires. She had neither so to speak. At least not right now. Her chewing and gnawing slowed as she thought about what her dreams might be. She'd been called a pirate... maybe it was her dream to be one of those? But... would the kingdom let her follow such a dream? Chasing booty and pillaging and plundering sounded like an awful lot of fun, but she was sure the kingdom wouldn't quite like that sort of behavior. So, what would they do with those who's dreams didn't align with that of the kingdom? "Queen" Reed echoed with wonder and admiration. "A Kingdom with a real Queen, and you were saved by her!" There was awe in her eyes as they sparkled. "How do you know the Queen? You said you're new here and she's an old acquaintance of yours, but she's the Queen here?" It wasn't adding up in Reed's mind. "Heh. I suppose I should introduce myself instead of asking you more questions. The name's Reed Blackpaw." Her muzzle opened to say more, yet the rest of the words escaped her. So, she turned her focus back onto the young coconut and gnawed on it some more, the brittle exterior snapping beneath her powerful bite. She really felt like there was supposed to be more to her name!