[AW] A Trigger
OOC Date: 11-02-2023, 08:08 PM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/26/2023  in  Cerulean Cove  —  
Species Male Other Canid
Build Adult Lean 16"
Health5 Dexterity3
Arcana 3 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

I'm not giving up...
I'm just giving in.

A moment of silence passed as Eon assumed the wolf before was pondering about something. He himself wondered what exactly it could be as he waited for a reply. Eon was curious, and he could be a bit pushy, but he wasn’t so much to ask, at least not now. Perhaps if circumstances had been different, he would have, but he was too drained - he could hardly think straight. He was hungry too.

Finally, his question was answered, and not with a simple yes or no - but the stranger's story of how she ended up here. She mentioned a sunken ship and Eon envisioned it in his head, but no, he had not seen it, he himself had just gotten here. What caught his attention, however, was when she mentioned the name Tyr. He was unfamiliar with the name, and the way it was mentioned made him think of some sort of deity. He was curious now - the wolf couldn’t remember her past but could remember the deity, it was certainly an interesting coincidence.

Eon himself never believed in any deities. Lately, however,  he had been second-guessing that. He had let fate decide where it would take him - and he just happened to end up here, in the realm. Though, he admittedly hadn’t taken the time to really think over it all too much. Still, he couldn’t help the thought that there was some higher being who had called him to the sea in the first place. He just couldn’t come up with any other explanation for the feeling he felt the moment he stepped into the salty waters and let them carry him away - almost to his demise. Luckily, he had ended up here, and an old acquaintance had found him. There was just no other explanation for these events other than the fact that there was some higher being pulling the strings. If he was being honest with himself though - he wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about that yet.

He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts as the wolf leaned in towards him - as if she didn’t want anyone else to hear - not that there was anyone else around to hear anyway, but Eon supposed there could be someone hiding somewhere - you just never knew. It was then she admitted to him she didn’t know how to swim as if that was some sort of embarrassing concept. Eon chuckled slightly - not judgingly, but simply at the fact this wolf was embarrassed by it at all. Swimming wasn’t necessarily an essential skill for most wolves. Some, sure - wolves who lived by the sea such as Casfura he assumed considered it an important skill - but to most, it simply wouldn’t matter much at all.

“Don’t worry about it - I’m not the best swimmer myself either and trust me, I hate getting these feathers wet! Though I’m curious, who is Tyr, they some sort of god?” he’d reply to her after listening to the rest of her story. It was intriguing to Eon - he felt for her too - it must have been nearly terrifying to almost drown - he couldn’t even imagine… wait. That literally happened to him too. A little different, but the drowning part was there for sure.

“To be completely honest, I almost drowned too - I luckily washed ashore and an old acquaintance helped me out. I feel a lot better now, still a little drained from it all though.” He’d admit before replying to what else they had to say.  When the coconut was offered to him, he happily accepted it. “Yes, thanks! I’m starving!” he’d say, quickly laying himself onto the sandy terrain and biting into the fruit. It was then he was asked about the kingdom, and he was unsure if he truly knew how to answer. He would do the best he could, though.

"They're a good kingdom, they aim to unify the lands under a common purpose - accepting anyone and everyone into their ranks and encouraging them to follow their dreams - whatever that might be." he'd say. "I'm new here myself, but that acquaintance I had mentioned earlier, she introduced me to the idea - she's their queen!" he'd reply before taking another bite out of the coconut. He did have one more question for the wolf -  “I don’t believe I caught your name yet?”