Open | Roaming
OOC Date: 07-08-2023, 12:15 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/03/2023  in 

Species Nonbinary Red Wolf
Build Adult Athletic 24"
Trade (untasked)
Health6 Dexterity
Arcana 2 Medicine
Charisma 3 Perception
Constitution 5 Stealth
Deception Strength
linked accounts

Luhwa wove expertly through the thick tangle of vines, roots and brush coating the ground gripping their latest catch in their mouth. The fluffy red-wolf was making good time in their attempts to be done hunting for the day before the sun could truly begin doing damage. Though the heavy heat and humid air was a familiar struggle, it was one the wolf wasn't fond of and avoided whenever they could. Besides, it wasn't just canids that roamed these lands - powerful predators with more skill than necessary slunk through the trees during daylight, peering down from the canopy at any poor creature fool enough to still be wandering about when they were around. Night was hardly any better hunter-wise with every creature and its mother choosing to strike out while it was cool enough to not overheat from basic activity. So the wolf chose to attempt to keep all of their active hours at dawn and dusk - when the heat wasn't sweltering, but most of the dangers are still just awakening.

The sound of crunching leaves drew their attention, the wolf quickly drawing themselves into a smaller; more easily defendable place. Practice made it pup's play to block out additional sounds of the jungle, ignoring the singing birds and canopy creatures while instead focusing in on the sound of approaching pawsteps. They weren't sure who or what it was - sounded too light to be a larger predator but the pawsteps were too direct to be a wandering prey creature.

Another canid, they deduced, waiting for the other to show themselves.