Impatience doesn't mix with injuries
OOC Date: 11-02-2023, 02:12 AM
IC THREAD DATE: 07/15/2023  in 
Species Female Gray Wolf
Build Teen Average 25"
Health5 Dexterity2
Arcana 4 Medicine 1
Charisma 3 Perception 3
Constitution 1 Stealth 2
Deception 3 Strength 1

Elcid's tail wagged as her friend agreed to go on a hunt with her. When the fox's orb around her neck started to spark and crack, she leaned back. She didn't want to get shocked and she wasn't exactly sure just what Dos was doing. Until she was done, that is. Elcid had seen Dos change into a wolf once before, and yet when she did it again, Elcid was still amazed. It was so cool how she was able to shift into something much larger than herself. Elcid's tail resumed wagging happily to match her now-wolf friend. At her prompting, Elcid stood on all fours and after ensuring she wouldn't lose her balance, she stepped forward and lead Dos out of the hole she called her home. 

"I heard some pigs squealing last night out thisaway." She paused outside of the den and waited for Dos before pointing towards the north. "I bet we can find some tracks or dig spots if we look out there. I'll lead the way. You watch my back, ok?" Elcid made a fair tracker considering her age, but hunting was another story entirely. She made slow progress as she moved the two of them through the underbrush, her nose constantly working the scents as the winds shifted directions around her. Every few paces, she looked back over her shoulder to check on Dos and make sure she was still behind her. 

It didn't take them too terribly long to come across an area thick with mud and roots. Elcid slowed to a pause and whispered to Dos, "Be careful. This looks like a spot they'd like to be. Help me take a look around for some tracks, could you?" Then, carefully, Elcid crept out into the clearing made of mud. She was looking for signs of pigs digging and rutting up the mud and muck. She also looked for their tracks to see if she could identify their approximate sizes, or how many there were. 

Special: Elcid is looking for pick tracks/dig marks!
Success: She spots them and motions for Dos to check them out
Failure: She doesn't spot any tracks. Maybe Dos finds some?